I got a bit of confussion on the drive modes for the 4th gen... 1. Is there any difference in fuel economy between all modes? PWR, ECO, Normal...seems to get me same MPG results? 2. I noticed the torque difference between PWR, ECO, Normal modes but they say you still get the same 0-60MPH time regardless...is there anything special about the modes other than torque? 3. The EV mode disables when you hit the ga to hard or past 25MPH...but you can use EV function regardless as long as you stay under 25MPH or dont hit gas hard...what else does the EV Mode button provide? Thanks!
1. There might be a marginal difference. I think mostly due to the driver's mindset. Someone who's going to select PWR is likely also driving more aggressively. But in the whole, all it's doing is changing pedal response, and not by much. With our 3rd gen I put it back to "normal" after a month or two of experimenting, left it there since, 5 years back. 2. There's no mechanical advantage with any of the modes, it's just gas pedal response. Pretty much same answers as for #1. 3. I would only use EV mode for those times you need to shuffle the car a few feet, and want to avoid the (cold) engine starting up. Perhaps on 2016 the car is more willing to use EV in this situation, especially with your climate. I find here (lower mainland BC, Canada), with our 2010. unless the car was previously warmed up, it'll almost invariably lock out EV mode, not allow it. And that's the one time I most need it, with a cold engine. But the car will give you about 15 seconds of "EV" at every start up, so I take advantage of that, do any moves in short 10 second intervals, then shut down and restart, as needed. But sorry, rambling. To directly answer your question: I would never use EV for driving around. There's no upside to it, it's not improving your mpg. Just rely on the car's computers to slips you into EV when it's warranted.
Most of the difference is in accelerator response. Floor it, and they all put out the same amount of power. ECO requires the pedal to be depressed more at the lower end of the torque output. In other words it gives finer control at the low end. On PWR, the pedal trips into the higher output sooner than the others. Which can make the car feel faster. ECO might limit fan and compressor speeds, but the same fuel economy can be had in any mode.
Its one of those things in life you just do. Why/ because it is there. BTW noticed my AC works colder with the ECO AC mode button activated. Sounds counter intuitive?????
Not entirely. Setting the Drive Mode to ECO will also set the A/C to ECO. However, there is also a button to reset or independently toggle the A/C to ECO or NORMAL.
Discovered mine was off for some reason. Although I may still have a cooling issue/tbd. Too easy to press buttons and that button is not lighted.