well, i just got back from florida in my 2012 plug in. it was over 1900 miles round trip. took about 12 hours to get to daytona from nashville. drove in hv until i got to daytona. from daytona then to bradenton. from there back to nashville yesterday. ......how did ellvira (my prius) do. great. no problems. I stayed in eco most of the time. since im an older guys i hit every rest stop. as i left i used power mode to accelerate onto the highway. was not able to plug in for the week. i averaged 48 mpg for the week driving anywhere from 40mph to 80mph. on the highway mostly around 70 to 75. .....im so gld i invested in new defender michelins. some off the roads were a little rough including small pot holes. summary: gotta love elvira even more. fred from nashville
one thing i wanted to add. i learned my lesson. last year one of my cards was involved in a fraud attempt so i bought a 300 dollar visa so i would not have to carry cash this time. well, , if you get gas with one of those prepaids DONT pay at the pump : pay inside. because some stations hold 74 dollars for up to a week for some strange reason.happened to me twice on this trip.( they have refunded the difference back after their hold lapsed). live and learn.
Sounds like you did not Plug-In too much during that trip? How many pounds of luggage and people do you think you had probably lose maybe 1 mpg per 100 pounds or so
well, i had my bike, my 40 lb kettlebell and about 20 lbs of stuff. adds up to close to 100llbs me, i weigh 170.
Nice! That's good stuff! Good tire choice for sure... I went back and forth between those and the premier and ended up going with premieres but I know they both are amazing tires. Well worth the investment SM-G935V ?
How do u like the continental vs michelin? I have continental rubber on the bottom of my adidas ultraboost St lol but that doesn't count SM-G935V ?
Quite happy with the Conti's on the Prius. But they have shorter life than the Defenders. Defenders I am OK with. Getting some subtle hum noise I don't know if its from the tires or under the hood. I am not good at rating tires re: handling. But I was looking for All Season including ice/snow decent traction in both cases.
my defenders handle very well in dry and wet....im not so sure how they will do in the very small amount of snow or ice we get here in nashville. they are very strong tires.. as far as tire noise go i think they are about the same as the bridgstones i replaced. definitely more stable..