The install took about 1.5 hours with a 15 minute break. Cost was $75 and I tipped the installer $10 for him letting me ask questions (about the instal) while he was working. The vehicle was on the lift so he worked standing up. Two corner pieces and a center plastic piece get removed and then the rest vbumper gets pulled. Two small tabs on the inside mount of the stock bumper get flattened out with a 3 lb sledge hammer. Then you install the hitch and the rear bumper. I believe some of the bolts get replaced, but I'm not sure, the center plastic piece gets trimmed with a shears so it slips around the receiver hitch. I wasn't privy to watching the install since the car faced away from me on the rack and they said no one was allowed in the shop while he was working. At $75 to do the install I didn't want to get sent home for not listening. Haha I installed the Curt hitch in my driveway on my gen 3 Prius and the gen 4 is more involved with the rear bumper removal and reinstall.. I'm not sure if it would be possible to install lieing on your back in the driveway with basic tools by yourself. To say the least it would be frustrating and some of the bolts are tucked up inside so it would be an 3-4 hour exercise in futility. Anything from $100-$150 is a fair price Under that it's a friggin' bargain. if you take it to a shop. Make sure they don't weld the bumper on and you need to ask this upfront. I'm pretty sure it would possible void a warranty or an insurance claim?
I just installed the Curt hitch on my 2016 Two. Took about 2 hours, but I moved slowly and carefully. I could do another one in an hour, I think. I worked off the ground and did not need to lift the car. I purchased the Curt from e-hitch with free shipping ($139). Note: Curt lists the hitch for $254. It came to Southern California in 4 days and was left outside my door. You remove three plastic under-body panels and the black bumper cover. This takes a small screwdriver (flat blade) to loosen the plastic "push-pins" that hold on the panels, and a Phillips head driver to remove two small screws holding the bumper cover. The bumper cover requires pushing down on some tabs and removing the wiring harness, and pushing some tabs and pushing the cover off. It's super easy. The 8 bolts holding the hitch are removed and the bumper comes off. I spent some time looking at the crush zone design features. Next, you pound down the two tabs (not a precision operation) -- I did this with a very small claw hammer. Throw out the 8 bolts and sandwich the hitch between the bumper and the unibody frame. I used snap ties to hold things together and hang the hitch and bumper on the car until I got a couple of the bolts started, since I was working alone. Although not recommended by Curt, I used Locktite on the bolts. Two plastic pieces had to be trimmed (I used a hacksaw and razor knife, but an Exacto knife or box cutter would have been fine, too -- no need for trimmers or a saw). The trimming can't be seen, so no worries about being a bit rough (my cuts were perfect, of course). The directions from Curt were first rate. I haven't tackled adding trailer wiring and will use the hitch for carrying my bikes. The receiver is barely visible against the black bumper cover. You wouldn't notice it if you weren't looking for it. I added a Curt 18084 Hitch Mounted 2-Bike carrier which I ordered from Amazon (shipped free using Prime). I think it was about $150. I don't plan to use recommended straps. My bike is less than 20 lbs. The bumper attachment point on the unibody fascia is at the point of the frame tubes, so I doubt there is much of a chance of bending if the recommended weights are not exceeded. Photo below is from the same level as bottom of the car and shows the hitch with the bike rack inserted into the receiver.
I had a different and very frustrating experience with the Curt hitch. I got the hitch from Etrailer and attempted to install it. After removing all the trim and the bumper beam I discovered that the hitch will not fit. The sides of the hitch are too close together or the holes in the hitch are misdrilled so the bolts can not be inserted on both sides at the same time. I spoke to Curt technical support two times with no luck. They said to screw in the four bottom bolts which can be done, then attach the top bolts to one side (which can be done). Then they said to pry the other side with a screw driver to insert the top bolts. There is nothing to pry against and I did not want to insert a screw driver into the bolt holes because of the chance of damaging the threads on the welded on nuts. In any case there is at lease a 1/8 inch mismatch between the hitch and the bolt holes and no reasonable amount of prying could expand the steel hitch enough to fit. In my second call to Curt tech support the person indicated that Curt has manufacturing problems with the hitch and they had put a stop on shipping it. So now my car is back together and the hitch is in the box to go back to Etrailer. To add to my frustration, Etrailer has said they will charge me $22 to return a hitch they sent me that does not fit my car. By the way I have installed many hitches on different cars so I am not a beginner at this. Lou
I don't think I would have any reservations about enlarging the holes by grinding to make the hitch fit, especially if the alternative was to hand UPS $22. If my memory serves me correctly, as least some of the holes were oblong anyway (probably to account for variations in manufacturer). I am sure if you had the hitch professionally installed the grinder would have come out for sure. Your hitch was probably made on a Monday.
I have a 2016 IV and recently installed the curt hitch. I backed the car over a curb, wheels just on the curb, and this lifted the back end up giving ample room to work under the car. Took about 75 min to install. Some pointers I learned; 1. Removal of 3 panels requires care in locating all push pins. The screw out fasteners may need a bit of persuading but if you back them out all the way no problem. 2. The rear facia is difficult only in that the electrical connectors are difficult to get to and must be released in order to pull the rear facia off. 3. Removal of rear bumper bar is very easy, flattening the tab required nothing more than a regular hammer. 4. When installing the hitch, start by placing a single supplied bolt in the upper position of the hitch flange on each side. Keep loose. Then place second bolt on each side in upper position, again keep it loose. Now install remaining bolts.....once all are in, make sure no cross threading, tighten everything up. If you start with lower position bolts, the uppers will be difficult to line up. 5. trimming two panels is pretty clear and easily done. Reinstalling panels is much easier if you take a few pictures as you go through the disassemble process just as a reminder. I'll be using my hitch for a Thule T2 Classic 2 bike carrier. I do worry a bit about the frame location where the hitch is installed. It's not steel but appears to be reinforced sheetmetal....
I wouldn't worry too much about the location. The hitch connection points are at the end of a pair of main frame box tubes with the fascia at a right angle. There's plenty of strength there. I am not so worried that I am motivated to do any calculations to estimate bending moments or failure points. Even sheet metal bent frame tubes are very strong. If you have worked around structures for any amount of time you get a sense for weak points. I don't see any that worry me. However, don't take my word for it. Hire an engineer if you are worried or contact Curt and talk to theirs. I am sure they do some analysis.
A quick followup to my previous post- Etrailer did agree to refund the return shipping charges. So I am only out the three hours or so it took to find out the hitch did not fit :-( Lou
Good to hear people are installing hitches, as this was something I was thinking about. Sounds like a pretty easy job, especially comparing to the "hidden" hitch installation I did on my old Chevy Volt. That required a crazy amount of work, although it was nice to have a hitch that hides behind the license plate. I don't think there will be any such animal available for the Prius. I believe it was made by Curt also.