Hello, Bare with me. I'm trying to be detailed as possible. I have a 2003 Prius with 110xxx mi. I use this car to commute 300 miles a week to and from work and this car was going strong until two days ago. On my way home from work, I was stuck in a 4 hr traffic standstill on the freeway and my battery line stayed at halfway while the engine kicking on an off. I did notice that my gas went down even though I had fueled up before work. The next day, on my way to work, i was stuck on a 3.5hr traffic standstill caused by an overturned 18-wheeler. During this time I noticed a strange sound coming from behind my car that i attributed to the large diesel pick-up behind me until I realized that this was my battery fan kicking on and off. It was a warm day in CA and It was hotter due tot he exhaust and heat from the pavement. Suddenly the red triangle with the "!" came on and the check engine light with the car and "!" on the display screen. I immediately though I had ran out of fuel (something that has occurred before). I made it to work without incident and figured it was just hot and the lights would go off. On my way home that night, the warning lights stayed on and my car seemed to not have any power. It felt forced above 55mph. Today, I had my car scanned and codes P3190 (loss of engine power) and 3130 (Cooling Inverter) came up.I checked the cooling inverter and it was very low on coolant. It was still moving around however. i stopped by to get coolant at a dealership and before I put in in, the warning lights were off (of course, right). I added the coolant and watched my display and noticed that the gas engine is mostly sending power to the elec. motor and the line fromt he battery to the elec. motor usually has no activity. However, the battery is constantly getting charged. The gas mileage has diminished as well and he meter on the display is fluctuating between 25mph to the very top but the read out is still 42.3mpg which is not the case because i only have half a tank and a fresh tank lasts me 5 days at most. What can be causing my loss of power?
Standing still in traffic jams is never good for fuel economy, even in a hybrid. It was a hot day, did you have the A/C on? If you didn't and the cabin is hot, then the HV battery is not getting cool air to keep cool. Was there an INF code associated with the P3130? Being low on inverter cooling loop wouldn't have helped, so good thing to top that up. Looking at the instantaneous MPG is not always useful and subject to bias, what is important is your (multiple) tank averages. Are these showing a decrease in MPG? In any case, you have a 13 yo car, (original HV battery?), my guess, is the HV battery is showing signs that it is getting to the end of it's life. Budget for a battery replacement soon, if you intend to keep the car for a while longer. If not, plan to retire it soon.
Need miniVCI and XPwindows laptop or scangauge II with fixed OBD cable and XGAUGEs. Traction battery fan in traffic is not good but not enough to call it. Bob Wilson
Welcome aboard OP. If you are in LA or OC, you are more than welcome to use my mini-vci to get a complete read out of the codes and live test. PM me. Jim
Report: So OP's HV battery is healthy only 0.11-0.12v difference from Max to Min readings and Aux battery reading fine as well. We drove around and to OP the ICE sounds a bit loud. To me it sounded normal and kicked in when it was suppose to. Observed proper turbulence in the Invertor coolant but we noticed allot of coolant residue around the pump and OP reported he heard sizzling when he topped off the invertor reservoir. I am suspecting the hoses at the fittings are leaking or the pump itself. I recommend he address that or he will have fluid loss. Codes above verified no other codes pending or stored. Cleared the CEL. Op also cleaned the throttle body of fine sand, Yes sand, apparently on his drives thru the desert, dust gusts kick up and it gets sucked into the intake. I opened the air box and low and behold more fine sand particles. Tossed the filter onto the ground and even more sand shook off. Wow. I recommended a new air filter from Toyota. OP, Wix makes a very good filter that can hold back some smaller microns of particles, Napa should have it. Please look into it. I also recommended an oil change due to the sand in the intake and trans fluid change since he does not know when it was ever changed. Jim
I just got the 3130 and 3125 yesterday. Lit up like a christmas tree and lost power steering then ability to dive within 1/4 mile. It sat for 15 minutes and I checked the Scangauge. Looked like a failed aux battery at 9v. Then the battery acted as if it recovered. I started the car and drove it 2 miles to the driveway.(very lucky) As it turned out the inverter cooling pump had quit. Last night I got to the pump and messed with it. May have had a bad wiring connection or intermittent pump, but it's working now. I ordered a new pump to replace this week, but otherwise car is now working fine.
Try swapping the pump relay with the horn relay. The pump relay is used allot vs the horn which are the same spec relays.
Thanks Draco, will do that also. Car has 220,000 so the pump is cheap insurance at this point. Just an FYI, last year I was experimenting with the aux battery. The aux lost it's charge and instead of waiting for a charger to top it up, I threw a lawn tractor battery in. It works just fine. I know it's a temporary approach, and Florida temps won't kill it, a lot cheaper than OEM!
Just be careful, those relays are heat soaked and brittle, ask me how I know . I used the HF plastic trim pullers and eased them out. Nice trick on the tractor battery
UPDATE: First, thanks user Draco for helping me out. Up to this weekend I was having uncertainty with my acceleration. I drove it 150mi straight and noticed decrease in acceleration while still pressing down on the pedal. I made it to my destination no problem. The next morning I wanted to diagnose the problem and had my dad help me out. While parked I pressed down on the acceleration and it sounded like the engine was struggling to rev. up with it eventually causing the CE light to come one as well as the red triangle. he had me rev it up and he said the throttle was not opening (he was was seeing it the air filter.) I got down to the throttle and it was a bit hard to open the plate up. After reassembly of the air filter housing, all I was left with was a check engine light with a code for the throttle body. As of this morning, the CE light was gone and the car sounds better. No forced acceleration, but rather slower acceleration. I ordered a throttle body so I can replace it as I feel that this is going to be the source of my problem.
Update 2: I attempted to change the Throttle body and the new one choked out the engine. I then decided to re-instal my old one, and changed the TPS from the new one to my original TB. The engine stayed on, but now it is revving in at low speeds and in park
TPS could need adjustment as it was fitted to the new TB? It sound like the Throttle plate position in in the wrong place due to the new TPS. Is this a Toyota part or aftermarket?