I was thinking about minimize the heat to avoid the use of the ac. I hear the crystaline keeps out most of the heat. I was wondering if anyone have this installed, its quite expensive.
I looked at the 3M products, but decided to go with Wincos for the rear and side, and Llumar Air-80 for the windshield. Huge difference in heat perceived when the sun shines in, compared to stock. Cost wasn't my primary concern, quality of materials and heat rejection were. But a lot of people like the 3M products, too. I forget where I read something about the 3M tints that helped me decide to go with Wincos/Llumar.
I have it installed on all the glass in my car and it makes a huge difference here in the Florida sun. Even in the heat of the day, you can put your hand on the black dash, under the windshield, and it is barely warm to the touch. The seats don't get hot and the car stays so much cooler inside.
However, over the time the car sits, thermodynamics still win - at steady state (i.e., many hours), the difference between cabin air temps with or without IR-blocking tints will narrow. But the items within the cabin that tend to heat up in the sunlight remain much cooler (as in ambient cabin temps) rather than becoming radiant heaters themselves.
Good information, thanks. I just made an appointment to get my 2016 tinted with the 3m Crystalline. How much did ya'll pay? I'm looking at 499 (and he said he'd throw in the Llumar Air 80 on the windshield.
I studied films long and hard and chose the 3m. I'm definitely glad I did. It really makes a difference. I paid right at 400 for my C, side and back windows only. Be sure you get what you pay for, the real stuff has "3m" on the inside, it will wash off once you buy it.