For the last 24 hours I have not been able to log into the Toyota Owners site. It's up but the login process appears to be pretty badly broken. I called them and they're aware of it and are supposedly working on it, but I thought I'd let folks here know because I hadn't seen any news. I just bought a 2016 Prius 3 Touring and am dying to add it to my profile.
The site, at times can be problematic. But it usually clears in a couple of hours. If you are still experiencing woes, try another browser -- ie -- if you are using FireFox, try Chrome or Edge or Internet Explorer. For example, I can't do anything on PriusChat if I am using FireFox, but Chrome works fine...
If you use a stored link to get there, in your Favorites say, or a desktop shortcut, I would advise a bit of editing. Make sure in the link properties that the URL isn't anymore complicated than Toyota Owners Official Web Site (Hover over or select the hyperlink above to get the actual address. PC by default converts URL's to hyperlinks) That should fix it.
Reviving an old thread with similar symptoms. I haven't been able to log in since purchase of my 2021 Prius. I think I have multiple trouble tickets open on it now also, which doesn't help. Came here to find out if anyone else is having problems since I can't get anything out of Toyota. Thanks.
I've had the same problem. Site says it's a login issue. I talked with Toyota and they say they are working on it. I downloaded the Toyota app on my phone and that worked for awhile, but no longer.
Thanks. I can put this one on the back burner along with all the other broken sites. My phone app still works, for what little good it does me. I really wanted the Connect capability, remote start, fuel level, etc. For some reason NOT on the Limited version of the car. Maybe because it doesn't have Android Auto. My model is for the Apples among us.
Ah, they have just fixed it today. Working well again. And get this, I just made my appointment for my 10,000 mile service. Three months and 10K already. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.