Date Ordered: 4/21/06 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Toyota of Morristown, Morristown, NJ Timeframe given for delivery: unknown at order time Color: Barcelona Red Option Package: #7 Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: Unknown Salesman said at the time of order that they would know the next allocation the following week and would call me one way or the other. Didn't hear anything for two weeks and called them to find out status. The car is in this months allocation. Should be at the Port of Newark midmonth and at the dealer be end of month or firstweek of June. Looks like a total of a 6 week wait. 4 weeks to go.
Just an update. I now have a VIN#. What's odd is how I got it. I received an email yesterday from the finance person at the dealership thanking me for my purchase of a new Prius and asking for customer satisfaction feedback. :blink: I don't have the car and I don't know when it is going to get to the dealer. The VIN# was at the bottom of the email in the disclaimer if I wanted to be removed from the email list. My response to the email sent today: Dear Learie, This survey would be much easier to fill out if I actually HAD the car. I came in for a test drive on 4/22 and talked with salesperson Jeremiah Tobin. Jeremiah was nice, personable, and knew as much about the car as I did. That’s not bad considering how much research I did on the Prius. I knew I wanted a package #7 and I gave two choices for color; Barcelona Red or Seaside Pearl. Red being my first choice. I gave a $1000 dollar deposit for the car. We then talked about wait times. I knew that the car is in demand and that dealers get monthly allocations. Jeremiah informed me that they would know the next month’s allocations the following week, and would give me a call letting me know if the color and model I wanted would be in this month’s allocation. I waited two weeks and had not heard anything. I called Jeremiah on 5/6 and asked about the status of my Prius. He said he had not heard anything yet. I politely reminded him of our conversation about when they would know about the allocations for the month. He said he would check and call me back. Which he did about 10 minutes later, making sure that I wanted red, and letting me know that I would be getting a phone call with the VIN # in about 10 days. The car would be in Morristown, either the end of the month or the first week of June. I’ve received no phone call. Now I am replying to an email thanking me for my purchase and taking time to answer a customer survey. The good news is that I now have a VIN# which is in the disclaimer at the bottom of the email. The bad news is that if you were looking for anything other than a below average rating in dealer satisfaction, you have shot yourself in the foot with this email. John
And the salesman called this morning. The car is now at the dealer. I'll be picking it up Friday afternoon. Total wait time 5 weeks.