So your not popular in the office, co-workers think your a geek or a nerd or your a little smug cause you got a prius or you still wear wayfarers <_< !! Well now you can change all that with GEEK TOYS, you'll be the talk of the office err behind your back or at the water cooler because you have really cool stuff on your desk! :blink: :lol: :lol: So be Proud, show your GEEK Pride, think geek baby! The Cubes CanDroid Levitron Air Zooka Marshmallow Gun Micro-Blimp Geek t-shirt check out this site for all your GEEK needs: I thiought you all would get a kick out of this site Im not affiliated with them what so ever..
If you can remember, be sure to check out that site on April Fools day. Their fake geek gadgets are hilarious. It always scares me when that catalog shows up in the mail because I will want to buy something that I don't really need.