The service guy says I need a new brake actuator. Along with some leaks that need to be repaired the job is going to cost a little more than 4K. I have a 2006 Prius, 155,000 miles (I posted in the general chat but posting here now because I want more info on the actuator repair and its necessity - hope I'm not breaking the forum rules by doing this). The tech said if I don't repair the actuator the brakes can give out on me and I might be brakeless - which could be dangerous. However, when I look at other brake actuator threads on prius chat I get the impression that its not as mandatory a repair as I'm being led to believe by the service technician. Also - I haven't heard any "chirping" that signals a problem. What I have noticed is occasionally when I start the car the brake pedal pushes back and the car rolls forward like I don't have brakes. I stop the car immediately and restart it and then I have brakes again. But it only happens when starting the car. Also, today my warning lights went on - read BRAKE light, (!), ABS and ACV. (The triangle warning light did not go on). Also, I had an accident with the car in January - the same dealership repaired the car - I rear ended someone and the front of the car and the radiator cap was all smooshed. No one ever mentioned my brakes were bad at that time or that I had any leaks. Is the brake actuator a mandatory repair for safety. If I just repair my front brakes (which they said were also gone) and if I repair the leaks (main oil pan, front gaskets and some other seals) can I safely drive the car?
Interestingly, the dealer told me that a prius owner in Califormia is being sued because he took his Prius to an independent repair shop and the repair technician electrocuted himself and died while working on the car. He's being sued on the basis that the owners manual says something to the effect that the car should only be taken for service to certified toyota prius repair shops. My plan was to call another dealer today to see what they have to say. Hopefully they won't make me pay for another round on the diagnostic computer. If it is the brake actuator is that a required repair?
If any service salesman told me that, I would never return. He's telling a story like that to transpose a threat to you, so he can make a buck.
You would think that such a lawsuit would be big news, yet I can't find any evidence of that happening. This doesn't mean that the diagnosis is wrong, but it does mean that I wouldn't touch that dealer with a ten foot pole.
Here is what we know about your situation given your post above: 1. You had an at-fault accident in January since you rear-ended someone. 2. Your brake warning lights are on. 3. The brake system actually fails to work from time to time upon start-up. You ask whether it is sufficient just to replace the front brake pads (and perhaps the rotors). The answer is no. How many more auto accidents do you wish to be responsible for? If in fact the brake actuator has failed, then it must be replaced. We would need to know what DTC had been logged by the skid control ECU to be sure whether that part is at fault. It is possible to replace the actuator with a used part which you can buy at, or on eBay, or at a salvage yard of your choice. The used part should cost ~$200. The labor will probably be 3 hours of effort or so. A Toyota dealership service dept may decline to install a used part and you therefore may need to find an independent specializing in Toyota hybrid service. Regarding the various leaks, did you get under the car to verify that in fact the engine is leaking oil? Or is the leaking obvious based upon viewing the pavement where the car is parked?
You ask whether it is sufficient just to replace the front brake pads (and perhaps the rotors). The answer is no. How many more auto accidents do you wish to be responsible for? If in fact the brake actuator has failed, then it must be replaced. We would need to know what DTC had been logged by the skid control ECU to be sure whether that part is at fault. Regarding the various leaks, did you get under the car to verify that in fact the engine is leaking oil? Or is the leaking obvious based upon viewing the pavement where the car is parked?[/QUOTE] I haven't had any problems braking while driving other than operator error during the accident. Therefore, repairing the actuator wouldn't have deterred the accident in January. I have not noticed leaks under my car where it is parked but I did have a problem with it running low on oil at one time, ever since I added oil it never went that low again. I've been keeping an eye on it. The oil leak made sense to me based on my past problem. Im not familiar with DTC and ECU. Is this something that I will find on the report from the diagnostic computer evaluation?
DTC = Diagnostic Trouble Code, ECU= Electronic Control Unit. The ECU monitors system conditions and if outside of predetermined parameters, logs and records a DTC. You have to have the "codes" retrieved by some form of code retrieval device (Mini VCI, code reader, etc.). But be advise not all code readers, read all the ECU's of your Prius. When done properly, you should be presented with a hard copy of the codes that were retrieved from which to make informed repair decisions.
DTC (Diagnostic trouble code) are usually a alphabetic letter followed by 4 alphanumeric digits, so P0300 for example. "P0300 Diagnostic Code - Random Misfire This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) is a generic powertrain code. It is considered generic because it applies to all makes and models of vehicles (1996-newer), although specific repair steps may be slightly different depending on the model. So this engine code article applies to Chevrolet, Ford, Nissan, Toyota, Dodge, Honda, GMC, etc. Basically this P0300 code means that the the car's computer has detected that not all of the engine's cylinders are firing properly. A P0300 diagnostic code indicates a random or multiple misfire. If the last digit is a number other than zero, it corresponds to the cylinder number that is misfiring. A P0302 code, for example, would tell you cylinder number two is misfiring. Unfortunately, a P0300 doesn't tell you specifically which cylinder(s) is/are mis-firing, nor why." ECU is Engine Control Unit, your Prius has multiple computers, some cheap readers cannot read them all.
Further, the alpha character is most commonly one of the following: P: powertrain C: chassis, for example braking system and electric power steering system B: body, for example air conditioning system and SRS (airbag) system The OP has been told that the brake actuator has failed. DTC C1252, C1253, C1256, C1315, or C1316 are examples of diagnostic trouble codes that would point towards the actuator as the failed component. Those codes are logged by the skid control electronic control unit (ECU).
In case this will help someone else, I thought I should post the outcome of the brake actuator repair. The Toyota mechanic, on looking into the brake actuator failure, found that the part and its replacement was covered by some sort of extended warranty on that particular part through 2017 (I can't remember if he told me January 2017 or June 2017) - not a recall exactly but I guess if the part goes bad its covered beyond the normal warranty period (at least for my 2006 Prius) - so that shaved over $2000 off my bill. I love my Prius. Oh and also - thank you to the chat members who explained the codes for me - I appreciate it.
There was some sort of recall recently with the brake actuators on the Prii. I can't find it, but my dealer notified me a few weeks back. They are installing now for free (parts and labor). In my case, I had all sorts of lights come on, got the error codes, pointed to right rear ABS, after trying a few things, decided to bleed the brake line to clear air in line that can cause the error message... long story short, brake actuator wasn't pushing fluid to one of the brake lines--brake actuator failure. Repair cost estimated at $2500 for parts and labor. Drove car for several weeks before hearing about the recall/TSB/whatever... don't recommend it, just didn't have $2500 handy. It performed fine other than all the lights on the dash. I searched around but couldn't find the recall/SB info... I'm sure the dealers would have it. I would track this down, tell the dealer about it and should be free of charge. My vehicle is a 2007 with 212k by the way and it still applied. Hope this helps, ---Dan
Posting for future readers. The car and brakes can be fine indefinitely if the actuator goes. They just won't be quite as responsive and you won't have ABS, so you'd have to adjust your driving and braking habits until you figure out how to proceed on the repair.
Holy shite. Are you being serious? Accidents/Driver errors happen all the time. Lack of working brakes just increase the odds of bad stuff happening. You react to the environment around you. When you need working brakes the most, you are being a moron by knowingly, driving with poorly functioning brakes. Your decision to drive with poorly working brakes may result in an accident of mild-moderate-severe-fatal consequences for you, your passengers, and occupants of other cars. Geez. This is akin to a drunk driving accident: 100% preventable. Get the car fixed, or take the bus! Fortunately you live on the East Coast, so you are a danger to drivers there.
I just took my 2004 Prius in this morning to have my ABS Actuator replaced under the below warranty extension. They tried to tell me I wasn't covered because my mileage was 172xxx. I found the letter that detailed the warranty details and the part was ordered and will be replaced at no charge tomorrow. They also wanted to replace the skid control ECU for another 2500.00. I told them to just replace the ABS actuator. I am hoping from all I have read about this issue that the skid control ECU code will go away after they fix the ABS. The letter states: The Primary Coverage offers warranty enhancement until December 31, 2017, regardless of mileage. After the Primary Coverage end, the Secondary Coverage is applicable for 10 years from the date of first use, or 150,000 miles, whichever occurs first. April 19,2016 Subject: Warranty Enhancement Program – ZG1 2006-2007 Model Year Highlander Hybrid & 2004-2009 Model Year Prius Vehicles Extension of Warranty Coverage for Brake Actuator Assembly