Sheila: Time's have changed Our kids are kids are getting worse They wont obey their parents They just want to fart and curse! Sharon: Should we blame the government? Liane: Or blame society? Dads: Or should we blame the images on TV? Sheila: No, blame Canada Everyone: Blame Canada Sheila: With all their beady little eyes And flappin heads so full of lies Everyone: Blame Canada Blame Canada Sheila: We need to form a full assault Everyone: It's Canadas fault! Sharon: Don't blame me For my son Stan He saw the darn cartoon And now he's off to join the Klan! Liane: And my boy Eric once Had my picture on his shelf But now when I see him he tells me to f*** myself! Sheila: Well, blame Canada Everyone: Blame Canada It seems that everythings gone wrong Since Canada came along Everyone: Blame Canada Blame Canada Some Guy: There not even a real country anyway Ms. McCormick: My son could've been a doctor or a lawyer it's true Instead he burned up like a piggy on a barbecue Everyone: Should we blame the matches? Should we blame the fire? Or the doctors who allowed him to expire? Sheila: Heck no! Everyone: Blame Canada Blame Canada Sheila: With all their hockey hubbabaloo Liane: And that b**** Anne Murray too Everyone: Blame Canada Shame on Canada The smut we must stop The trash we must smash Laughter and fun must all be undone We must blame them and cause a fuss Before someone thinks of blaming uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tempus @ May 19 2006, 11:17 AM) [snapback]258042[/snapback]</div> And don't forget Alex Trebeck, Peter Jennings, William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Ceiline Dion, Leonard Cohen, Glenn Gould - they are all to blame. :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jared2 @ May 19 2006, 11:59 AM) [snapback]258068[/snapback]</div> The US has to be very careful with immigration reform. If we close off the Canadian Border we won't be able to import the actors that do all the jobs American actors won't do!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tempus @ May 19 2006, 12:16 PM) [snapback]258081[/snapback]</div> I would gladly ham it up on a starship mock up for big bucks - but then, hey, I'm Canadian! (Question: could I act that badly, though?)
In many respects, I don't really see Canada as a *foreign* country. After all, all I have to do is drive a few hours north and I'm there. Doesn't seem that much different than driving into another State, just instead of the New Jersy Pike toll, you have an immigration type toll....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ May 19 2006, 12:50 PM) [snapback]258102[/snapback]</div> Well, if you were in the south, all you have to do is drive a few hours south. Does that mean Mexico is not a foreign country?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jared2 @ May 19 2006, 01:01 PM) [snapback]258115[/snapback]</div> No, Mexico feels foreign because of well, Mexicans. The *standard* Canadian ( :lol: ) is caucasian, like myself, so it doesn't feel as *weird*.
There are two aspects to the oil question: Supply and Carbon Dioxide. We may well have enough oil in the ground for another 100 years, but the planet will look like Venus if we burn it all.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bob Allen @ May 19 2006, 01:03 PM) [snapback]258118[/snapback]</div> Is that where women are from
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ May 19 2006, 01:14 PM) [snapback]258122[/snapback]</div> Waiting for apology ..... (see post #40)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jared2 @ May 19 2006, 10:09 AM) [snapback]258006[/snapback]</div> Hi again. First, stop acting childish. Waiting for an apology for what? I did not say Canadians are weak. I implied they have different priorities in which they spend their allocatable resources - in part they can because living next to the worlds military hyper-power - you can choose to allocate resources away from national defense --- this is not that you are weak. Cowardly - I did not say that ever. Canada in fact lost a female soldier yesterday in combat. Until recently the clear majority of Canadians have always been our wingman. I never said Canadians were cowards. Lazy - no again. Never said that. In fact thousands of Canadians immigrate every year here to the US because they are hard working - but they want to keep the sweat of their labor - and they believe the US has a better operating system than Canada. Never said you guys were all lazy. Stupid - wrong again. Witness the BRAIN drain to the US again. We dont want stupid people here (no comments here please). I can not apologize for things I did not say. And you can NOT know what my true thoughts are unless you are me - so do NOT put words in my mouth. You will not make inferences about my postings and then magically demand an apology from me. I am as guilty as you are by critisizing Canadian policies and not insulting Canadians. So no I will not apologize. And if you have no hope or desire to change someones thoughts or opinions why do you post here? I find you insulting my President offensive (more so if you are not an citizen of this country) - especially when we have Americans fighting and dying in a war that you may not agree with, but with your (our) limited knowledge [you] can not say may not involve your safety and future. Yes I find it very insulting. I don't want or expect an apology from you. I respect Canada, I did so more prior to the radical changes in your government and the strong ANTI-American policies it pursued even while all along "living off the land" it shared with us. Now that the majority of Canadians agree with me again and have replaced their government with a more PRO-United States one I expect my respect for Canada to increase as time moves forward and he brings our two countries together where we belong and not drifting apart.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ May 19 2006, 01:53 PM) [snapback]258146[/snapback]</div> Here are your own words: I will not bother to show point by point how you have insulted Canadians. It will be obvious to everyone. As for criticizing Bush, I am far from alone in thinking he is the worst President ever, and in thinking that the sacrifices young men and women are making in Iraq are wholly in vain. To criticize all Canadians is very different from criticising US foreign policy. I believe your comments are clearly insulting enough to be referred to a moderator of this forum, but I respect free speech too much to do so. If you will not apologize, then you can be sure I will not respond to any further posts of yours. "Love it except... Why invade a country that already is in essence an appendage of ours? However, If we needed to invade canada: 1. we could use the Boy Scouts to invade - since canada has no military to speak of 2. we could enlist Quebecs help since they would only be too willing to stick it to the other canadians 3. we could just declare war and they would probably surrender given their lack of nationalism/patriotism. 4. we could just declare a military draft for all past and present felons/murderers and then let them all be free and then watch them move to canada - you know how canada loves American draft dodgers. this option would obviously take a little longer but be painless and real fun to watch . I love this one the best so far. 5. We can stop buying canadian produced goods and services for one year and switch all production to china/india/iraq - whatever - then let the people do it for us. 6. Declare canada our 51st state and offer them even more generous social and welfare programs than they now enjoy - that would work for sure since they dont like to; or 6a offer canadians an option to keep what they earn instead of giving it to the government However before we invade we need to be certain that canada does have WMD's because there is doubt to be had because: 1. they cant afford to develop them. 2. they dont have the brainpower to do so with the mass migration of their young and educated to the US. 3. they dont believe in war, in maintaining a strong national defense posture. 4. they dont believe canada is worth defending, so why would they be willing to die conquering other lands?? But dont worry, by the time it comes to us deciding what to do - the UN will have taken care of it - for sure." I would add you to my "ignore" list, but I like a good laugh now and then. There isn't an "ignorant" list, is there?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jared2 @ May 19 2006, 02:19 PM) [snapback]258170[/snapback]</div> I know what I wrote - I still dont see where I call a Canadian a "coward, stupid,etc" Interesting how you think that if someone were to write something insulting to you, that you would even consider referring it to the moderators. I am glad that in the respect of "free speech" you are not going to waste their time. If they were to ban every individual who "insulted" another poster here, their BB would be very quiet. I happen to have family in Toronto who believe exactly like I do about Canadian governmental policies and were very upset at the old government - so I am not alone in my beliefs - obviously, the majority of Canadians agree with me too. I will say that my intent was NEVER directed at you personally. It was not my intent to harm you in any way, shape or form. As an American I felt betrayed and hurt by the past Canadian governmental policies and how they seemed to designed to "slap" a friend and neighbor who, in my opinion, has always acted as one. It is my belief that we are better acting as one with common goals and desires for all people even though we might go about it differently. As a sidebar. When I was younger, I witnessed American troops coming home from Vietnam and how they were treated with vile, and hate, and being spat upon by their own peers - I never understood how an American could spit on another American returning from war, call them a baby killer, and in various other ways attack them for their service to country. I have worked with Vietnam Veterans - and my heart goes out to all of them. For those who perpetrated those acts against them, I will never understand how they could do it. If you choose not to respond to any of my further posts, well that is your decision, it is my hope you do not do so.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jared2 @ May 19 2006, 07:09 AM) [snapback]258006[/snapback]</div> Well, I must admit I missed where dbermanmd called us Canadians cowardly, lazy and stupid. But I still don't like him insinuating "Canada as having no foreign influence, mouching from and being jealous of the US, and not even being worth immigrating to." dbermanmd says he's mad because the Canadian goverment didn't support the USA's missile defense system. This was a good thing in my opinion. It certainly looks like a major boondoggle for defense contractors and their payed-for politicians. Missle defense is a bad idea - it escalates tensions, may take war into space - and does very little actual protecting. It can't stop dirty suitcase bombs from being flown in across the Atlantic by ultralight aircraft so what good is it? Shall we get back to cars then?
What was the original topic ? Oh yeah, 100 years of oil in Canada. As Prius owners, I think we all realize that to continue to use oil as heavily as we have is bad on so many levels. The whole thing turned way back at post #8 as was the intent of the original poster. The words "oil" and "Canadian" were the words used to evoke the response. Mission accomplished ! Yet how boring otherwise! For what it is worth, we have a couple of Ph.D.s we hired that are Canadian and originally from U. of Tornoto. They are very bright, innovative and we're building a new technology and company together. They are here only because they couldn't find employment in their industry back in Canada. As with all of us, they simply have pride in their country of origin.
Well. I just got in from another business trip, check my PM’s, and find out about this shit. You sir, are a complete donkey, such a perfect donkey you’ll never get hemorrhoids. Want to know why the rest of the world almost universally hates Americans? Let me clue you in. First of all, we’re not “jealous†of you, we have a lot of contempt for you. Big mouth, big attitude, always pushing yourselves around, yet so full of shit you stink even if we’re upwind of you. Your comments remind me of the shit Tucker Carlson of MSNBC spouted, feeling “sorry†for Canadians by comparing them to “retarded people.†What I should do is go line by line to let you know – you arrogant bastard American – just how much you pissed off most Canadians, especially French Canadians: 1. Despite being grossly underfunded, the Canadian Armed Forces has proven themselves many times over the past century. Although Canadians don’t go around marching and waving the Maple Leaf like a bunch of fools, they have a strong sense of commitment towards their country. Much like Iraq, any invasion of Canada would be doomed to failure as the citizenry would rebel at every step. 2. I suggest you pay a visit to Quebec and verify that for yourself. French Canadians have grievances going back to Confederation, which has nothing to do with your ignorance. Any suggestion of an “invasion†of Canada would have French Canadians supporting “other†Canadians side by side. 3. CAH-rist you are full of shit. No, what would happen is we would cut off the electricity, natural gas, and oil, and American would shudder to a stop. I suppose you’re aware that the U.S. must import around 63% of its oil needs, and at 19% Canada is the single largest source of that oil? 4. Like the Vietnam War was justified to begin with, you saw how badly that one ended. I personally think it’s a mistake not granting asylum to current U.S. Army personnel who no longer want to fight an unjust war. Your comment about felons is just hot air escaping your nice person 5. You’ve already switched most of your production to foreign countries, including the disturbing report of most of the hardware/software for the new F22 Raptor. Don’t want to buy the gawdam oil off Canada, buy it off China. They’re buying up most of our tarsands anyway, I’m sure they’d only be too happy to mark it up 100% and resell it. 6. Don’t even know how you managed to come up with that one. Must be some powerful crystal meth you’re on. I understand a lot of Americans have drug addiction problems As far as your comments about WMD’s: 1. Canada has developed WMD’s before and could easily develop them again due to the advanced industrial infrastructure we have. For example: The same Dr Banting – a Canadian – who discovered insulin also developed many chemical weapons at Cold Lake, Alberta. 2. This comment only proves just how dumb Americans really are. We saved your sorry nice person in WWII by developing gaseous diffusion – uranium hexafluoride – at McGill University. We then made the bigger mistake of developing fast breeder reactors to fuel the arms race (CANDU series) not to mention most of the initial plutonium came from Canada. Brainpower, don’t even kid yourself you ignorant redneck 3. Hehehe we may not believe in unjustified wars, but seems I recall the last time America tried to invade Canada – in 1812 - we pushed them back across the border without too much trouble. 4. Want to bet? It really is sad how a tiny but very vocal minority of NeoCon nutjobs have hijacked the United States. Since you appear to have such disdain and even contempt for Canada, may I suggest writing a letter to your Congressperson requesting the following: No longer buy any Canadian-made goods (Cars, trucks, heavy equipment, New Flyer transit busses, etc), electricity (Sit in the dark and sweat, it will be a long hot summer), natural gas (Freeze for all we care, it will be a long cold winter too), or oil. We can sell most of it on the global market, which is something Dubya seems to fear. Prick. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ May 18 2006, 09:02 AM) [snapback]257454[/snapback]</div> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ May 19 2006, 02:16 PM) [snapback]258192[/snapback]</div> Ah, now an expert in Canadian politics too. The hot-button topics were increased health care funding and the expose of corruption scandals. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ May 19 2006, 02:16 PM) [snapback]258192[/snapback]</div> Ah, like NAFTA or as we call it: Nearly Always Favors The Americans. The softwood lumber dispute is a prime example. We also feel betrayed and hurt by a nutty president who feels that Canada is ripe ground for raw materials, but to hell with everything else. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ May 19 2006, 02:16 PM) [snapback]258192[/snapback]</div> We welcomed them with open arms, a shoulder to cry on, and the chance to carry on with their lives.
Good gawd. It's amazing how fast good topics can take such bizarre turns. It's my understanding that tar sands (as well as Fischer-Tropshe methods for coal) require a lot of NG to provide extra hydrogen. Is this correct? If so, wouldn't oil sand production be linked to NG supplies? It seems like those are being depleted much faster than oil.
Ok, so far we've learned that Canadians are TOUCHY... (we already knew that Americans are dicks.) We have two paths to the future: 1) we keep using oil and bring the more-expensive sources online as the price goes up and they become "cost-effective" - the tar sands are a good example, the extraction cost would be more expensive than the oil itself if they didn't have natural gas to fuel all the processing... With this plan, there's only one direction for energy prices to go, and go exponentially. 2) we use the current inexpensive energy from oil to create renewables in vast quantities. More out-of-pocket up front, but cheaper than trying to do it later when oil is more expensive - forging a windmill blade now with cheap oil costs a lot less than forging one later with expensive oil. Given this "head start", renewables would probably be sustainable in the long run. Knowing human nature, we won't choose #2 until #1 reaches a crisis point, and then it will be extremely painful either way.
Oh, and if you need proof, go up to 10 people on the street and ask them if they'd rather have a dollar today, or two dollars a month from now.
Tom, search and the 'similar Threads' feature is indeed your friend, but it is insensitive to thread date. The post before yours is from 2006 ;-)