I am considering getting these OEM door edge guards for my Blizzard Pearl Prius. The question is whether I should get a black set to contrast with the white paint? Quick View 2016 Prius Door Edge Guards - OEM$125.00 Compare Choose Options
The guards are often too thick and when you open and close your door, it scratches/rubs up on the car's edges. And it really doesn't look good
Those guards are not the same as the Toyota accessory guards, which is what we are talking about. You can see from the picture that the Toyota ones are much narrower and cover only the trailing edge of the door, not all the way around. I actually HAVE a set of the Toyota ones on my car and there is no way they would ever do what you describe. They are barely noticeable on the car, so they do not look bad like the ones in your picture. @krmcg As for the color, I know you are doing a black-on-white theme, but I don't think black guards would add and they might detract. They are very narrow so they wouldn't add much black, and there is the black rubber gasket sealing the gaps around the doors anyway. I'd go with white in your case. But I think red on a gray or black car might be interesting.