Repair manual says that is inverter overheat.....but this code appear 200meters after I connect the two batteries
The only code that I read in HV System is P0A94 ,in HV battery has no DTC. Is possible the inverter can not manage twice power??
What are the subcodes? There are 25 different causes for this code. The problem here is that you embarked on a major modification without the knowledge or tools to do it right. Remove the battery. Does it go away?
You have right I have the tools but I don't have the nessecery knowledge. Tomorrow I try to remove the second battery and test again... Is possible this modification damage the inverter??? Is any way to connect the second battery without problem? Thanks
If you can't tell me the subcodes, you do NOT have the proper tools. I wouldn't expect so, but you won't know until you remove it. Paralleling NiMH is not a good idea most of the time. I have no idea if it can be done. The benefits are so limited, I can't imagine it's worth it.
I can't imagine that it would be a simple thing to connect two batteries in parallel, otherwise everybody would be doing it. Also, presume that there would be a benefit. In relation to the second battery, questions that immediately come to my mind are: how are the battery temps being monitored? how are the module voltages being monitored? how is the battery current (both in and out) being monitored? how is the HV battery control module interfacing with the additional battery?