Yea so I was tossing around the idea to add chrome trim to the black OEM wheels but a friend has lead me down another path. I think it's time to murder out my whip. Most people on here say to use plasti-dip on the emblems and badges. I went to home depot and they had plasti-dip and Rustoleum's Flexidip. I bought the flexidip because Rustoleum also sells a gloss finish for the flexidip so I bought that too. I know most people want the matted look but the black wheels are glossy just like the other black paint on my winter gray gen 3 so it makes more sense to me to make all the black glossy. We are going to work on it tonight so I'll post pix if it comes out nice. Any thoughts?
After buying the flexidip I came back to my computer to google the difference between plasti dip. Overall it seems like most people prefer plasti dip but they seem very similar. I was thinking about going back to get plastidip until I discovered plastidips glossifer only comes in 6 packs at home depot for $46. I only need one can and the flexidip gloss was around $6. I guess I'll just try the flexidip and see what happens. I only bought one can of flexidip and glossifer. Do you think that's enough for the emblems and badges?
Geez. Ok so I found a couple reviews of flexidip that said it removed the clear coat on their cars. Does anyone know if the winter gray has a clear coat? Walmart sells the single glossifer but only online. I want to do this tonight so I have to decide if I'm going to return it for plastidip.
I do not know if you have pep boys in your area but they carry all different plastidip singles including glossifier in their stores.
I went to lowes and got plastidip and single can of glossifier. Flexidip probably works fine but id rather go with the trusted brand.
I've used Rustoleums version of Plastidip, and also their version of the Smoke tail light spray. Plastidip is FAR superior in my own experience. Dries faster and more evenly, has MUCH less overspray, and when I removed the Rustoleum it peeled off the clear coat on my Chrome Honda H badge. Never again. Plastidip is tried and true, stick with the best and if you really want it to work good let the can sit in some warm water for about 5 minutes, sprays out perfectly. Good luck! PS- LOWE'S has lots of Plastidip, all colors.
I used the plastidip and glossifier last night on the emblems. I took them off to dip. I wanted try this first before doing the other badges with masking tape on the car. I think it turned out well but it doesn't exactly look as black as my center wheel caps that were painted with a glossy black paint. The front emblem almost looks silver depending on the light. I think the best way to do it all would be to use the glossy black paint on everything but then it's permanent. I would also have to remove the badges and that seems like a hassle. Do you all think the color matches well enough to plastidip the rest of the badges?
I don't think the badges need to be a perfect match with the center caps. If they were right next to each other it may bug me, but given their distance apart I don't think it matters.
That's really interesting how much of a difference the glossifier makes on the black plastidip. Mine are just the matte black and theyre definitely black, not gray. Yours do look more like a match with the WGM than black. Not that they look bad; I've seen greyed emblems that look real good. If you want the contrast, I think u should stick with the matte black only if u don't want the permanent paint.
It does look darker in the shade. My phone lightened it up due to the morning sun. I don't think I'll bother with the glossifier for the other badges. I put two glossifier coats on and stopped because I thought I laid it on too thick the 2nd time. Luckily it dried out fine but maybe you are right and the gloss is what changed the color. Maybe if I didn't have the carbon fiber wallpaper it would look darker. If the badges come out looking blacker I guess I'll redo the emblems. Geez so much work and not enough time in the day. I'll be doing this all day Saturday.
I am currently waiting on the 3rd coat to dry before applying the last light coat. I think I may have put a little too much on the top of the Prius wording on one of the badges. I'm hoping it will dry out and not cause a problem when I start peeling this stuff. I've never plastidipped before so does anyone have any suggestions?
Yea so I had to redo PRIUS on the back. I sprayed too much plastidip on the top of the letters so it didn't peel right. The 2nd time went better but later in the day I noticed little bubble rips on top of the letters which showed the chrome underneath. At this point I was tired of plastidipping so I used a black sharpie touch up pen and smeared it over the spots. It's really not noticeable unless you look close. If it doesn't last or my new car OCD takes over I may just remove the badges all together. That would have been easier. Only problem is I think the 2015's also have the alignment holes under the HYBRID wording on the sides. Does anyone know if this is the case? Here are my pix. Also, I only used glossifier on the emblems but they seem to match just fine now. I also finally got around to removing the dealer sticker. Of course I had to use goo gone to remove the residue. The goo is gone but you can still see the outline of the sticker. My friend said it's because the paint under the sticker hasn't been oxidized like the rest and that the outline would fade in time. It's only noticeable when you look at it at an angle up close.
yep, there are holes under the hybrid signs on the front fenders/ & they are not symmetrical from drivers side to passengers side/ for the sticker outlines I used some weak polish & then some car wax - almost no longer noticeable/