The heart of the Canadian Oil sands (as far as living residences) is Fort McMurray which has sadly taken serious damage in the recent wild fires. Apparently a significant portion of the oil production is shut in for safety reasons. Bottom line analysts expecting a rough weeks ahead in the gasoline/crude prices. The Fort Mac fire toll - Gasbuddy Gas Prices
I wonder if an OPEC operative didn't secretly drop a cigarette nearby those tar sands... Joking aside, this is still terrible news. I hope that the fire can get contained faster than expected, and those folks who were displaced didn't lose too much.
This guy says it don't burn...he can't get it to hold a flame...this Robert Rapier who has an energy book on Amazon.
There is a fair portion of polluted water in the tar sands. Which doesn't protect all the equipment and infrastructure required to get it out and into an usable form.
Glaciers are melting, the groundwater is drying up, what's left of the boreal forest is on fire, and we're worried about the price of gas. For shame.
Global news events are of interest from human and auto business impacts. I am simply paraphrasing late breaking news reports to keep us up-to-date, some of which I posted (GasBuddy). In any case, the market impact seems less immediate so far this week than some were suggesting over the weekend.
Perhaps I am wrong, but don't they need a good fire to clean out the dead wood for new growth. Wildfires are a part of nature, and will happen whether we are around or not.
Sorry, I thought this story was more widely known. There was mention of the loss of Fort MacMurray in the original article, but not much detail. For more information, here's another article, with more recent updates.
To heap a bit more shame on the shame ... if in fact shame is a part of the story .... tar sand crud is more expensive to refine. Thus, production has been scaled back anyway. Not saying no harm no foul (not the environmental issue of tar sands, that is) ... just sayin'. A dire outlook for tar-sands oil, and low prices aren't the only reason | MinnPost .
I've heard, but your post I was orginaly replying too made no mention of it. Just decrying the loss of forest to wildfire. Want to guilt rip somebody, don't leave out any of the juicy bits next time.