I'm glad you like it! Mine looks battery have the son hit it for a few days it finally took shape of the dash. Did you velcro it down?
What does "battery" mean? Mine covers farther down on the passenger side. Your's looks like it settled right down and hugged the dash. Looks very good. Dan
Thanks. No Velcro yet. Want to see if I can get by without it. The tech black is probably a thinner material than carpet or velour. It's the stuff that they use as car seat fabric.
Mine is a different brand but I know I can remove the velcro and it will be ok. No doubt you can get by with none since it already seems to be laying so well. Thanks for the picture. Dan
It seems we middle aged guys are enjoying this little car. I went with a silver C as well. I rarely see another one on the road around here, most just the regular Prius. They don't seem to be having as much fun! I may end putting a couple Velcro pieces but I can imagine with all the little groves in the plastic that it could be hard to clean up the glue if I wanted to switch back for a while. Not worth really worrying about I suppose.
Dashboards are tested to not crack in direct heat. Also, if you're keeping it from fading means that probably want to see it everyone now and then--but you won't because it's covered. Same logic applies to a cell phone whose outside appearance made you buy it but... Now it's in an ugly case.. Yeah*** funny things we consumers do. iPad ? HD
I had one of these in my Echo, custom from Toyota, and I was not at all pleased with the coverage or the way it fit. Edges curled and warped. Tried Velcro and it didn't quite work, especially since the Vegas summer heat can melt darn-near anything. I think I will stick with the heat shield for this car until I can see an installed dash cover in person - photos aren't quite good enough.
This is our second one and we are pleased with both. No curled edges and they both fit great. Gives a softer feeling and keeps things from falling from the dash, when we lay it there. Not for everyone but I am glad they are available. Dan
Can y'all give a 3 year update on your dashmat. Do you still have the dashmat? Has it truly protected the dash such that it looks perfect since you put the mat on? Thank you
Still got the dashmat. Protects the dash - but dust and dog hairs do get under the mat. Not much but since you asked. Keeps my wife's plate lunches (Hawaii people will know what I'm talking about) from sliding into her lap when we get in the car and she puts her lunch on the dash while buckling up. Believe me - this is important. You've never lived till you try to clean up Chinese food, brown gravy or pinakbet out of your car carpet or, horrors!, off you car seats...
I sure can. Dash still looks great. It does collect a small bit of dust and hair but you shake it out and toss it back on the dash lol.
I have the suede dash cover from coverking, and had it about 2 years now. It does have a tendency to collect dust and random particles on it though. The random particles shake off moderately easily and the remaining excess and dust can be brushed off with a lint brush. I dominantly got it to reduce glare coming off of the dash and am still happy with it.