Even the Generals Support Him!

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Mystery Squid, Apr 18, 2006.

  1. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hybridTHEvibe @ Apr 22 2006, 04:52 PM) [snapback]243739[/snapback]</div>
    :lol: You're the kind of guy, who after you get your nice person kicked, gets raped, aren't you? :lol:
  2. hybridTHEvibe

    hybridTHEvibe New Member

    Feb 4, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Apr 22 2006, 05:34 PM) [snapback]243750[/snapback]</div>
    Speaking from experience?
  3. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hybridTHEvibe @ Apr 22 2006, 04:33 PM) [snapback]243767[/snapback]</div>
    With repartee like that, how could we possibly outwit hybridTHEvibe. :huh:
    Gee, and to think he called me a moron. :lol:

    Here THEvibe, let me save you the effort . . .

    ARE TOO!!!!
    am not.
    ARE TOO!!!
    am not.
    ARE TOO!!!!
    am not.
    ARE TOO!!!

    Squid???? <_< Just what did you do to THEvibe? :eek:
    Are you one of the many he is apparently accusing of having violated him?
    Are you “Speaking from experience?†:p
  4. dsunman

    dsunman New Member

    Feb 7, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Apr 22 2006, 03:28 PM) [snapback]243709[/snapback]</div>
    How would you explain that myself, a US citizen I may visit China, Vietnam, North Korea without any interference form my government? Aren't they a communist states, dictatorial with gross human rights violations equally bad if not worst?. Do compare your stats of Cuba with the countries I've just mentioned. Let's see if there is a significant difference.

    There are non-communist countries that oppress their citizens, many for that matter, should they also be forbidden to visit? What about Burma/Myanmar? Is it ok in your mind?

    Besides there are other intrinsic qualities for which people may consider visiting countries other than just sun-bathing as you connote, as there is massive cultural difference between Cayman Islands, Aruba, Mexico and Cuba. You speak of forced and exploited workforce in the Caribbean. When was the last time you've visited Haiti, Jamaica or Dominican Republic ridden with sweat shops and massive exploitation with gross abuses? Or perhaps you've been transported in air-conditioned bus from the airporst straight into the all-inclussive resort on the outskirts of the islands far from any population, the resorts that are heavily gated and evrything looked peachy. Once people are being abused they don't care if it's a communist or capitalist regime. To them it's the same as in the end they suffer. Some small islands do prosper due to tourism industry, other because of tourism and massive subsidies (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Aruba, St. Barthelemy etc partly because they are part of overseas protectorates/terriotories. Others are being a part of British Commonwealth. One is even oil rich in case of Trinidad & Tobago therfore prospering.

    Your argument doesn't hold water, THE WHOLE WORLD VISITS CUBA except of one single country in the world being us. I guess the whole world is immoral, unethical, wrong, delusional, sick as they seem to go and visit Cuba. Once I've bumped into one of the most reputed ornithologist in the USA if not the world, well published, globally respected and he told me that he can't visit Cuba to study the smallest bird on earth (type of a hummingbird the size of a small bee) It's endemic and endangered in a tiny habitat in some part of Cuba. He said that he will not be able to see and study the bird in his lifetime and he is extremely envious of his colleagues from Canada and Europe. Isn't that pathetic?

    Personally I'm obeying the ban and I'm hoping that some day it will be lifted.

  5. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dsunman @ Apr 22 2006, 10:52 PM) [snapback]243871[/snapback]</div>
    Why would I want to compare “my†(the CIA's) stats to the other countries you mention. It is jayman you need to be talking to regarding his “connoteâ€-tative sun-bathing and air-conditioned bus rides from the airport straight into the all-inclusive resorts with peachy looking beaches . . . where he has been rubbing elbows with European jet setters and extolling the virtues of the cheap booze, good stogies, and friendly natives.

    My argument does hold up very well as it was in rebuttal to jayman's assertion that Puerto Rico is the same as Cuba regarding human rights or living conditions . . . or something along those lines. Who knows exactly what he meant or how he could spin his “The same thing could be said of P.R.†statement. Do you agree with jayman regarding Puerto Rico and Cuba being alike?

    Hey, if you wish to travel to North Korea, all the more power to ya! :blink: The US government won't prevent you from visiting North Korea, but then they won't help you either. And don't expect to be rubbing elbows with the locals, it is forbidden without prior Workers' Party of Korea approval and strict monitoring. :unsure:

    I am well traveled, but when I am in a third-world country, I live off the local economy and deal directly with the locals as much as safety allows. I don't hole-up in fancy international hotels which make huge profits by taking advantage of the local people and economic conditions. I would much rather hand my money directly into the hands of those who would benefit the most.

    So, is your argument that it is OK to visit Cuba because everyone else does it? And all those other places in the world have equally appalling social conditions? So, are you asking, what's the harm in visiting Cuba????
    I'm sure you are smart enough to understand that the United States' stance on Cuba is a relic of the Cold War, and instead of helping prop-up Castro and his regime, the US will just wait him out and reassess the political situation after he dies.
  6. dsunman

    dsunman New Member

    Feb 7, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Apr 23 2006, 06:38 AM) [snapback]243905[/snapback]</div>
    Hold your horses, is it ok for me to visit China and Vietnam but not North Korea, Explain? :blink: :blink:

    Obviously you're so SMART that you purposely missed my indication of hypocritical stance of our foreign policy with redundant singling out of one country but not the rest. Oh, and appeasing powerful lobby that's ok?

    So gross abuses in China are OK, lame! :rolleyes:

    I pointed to you that there are other INTRINSIC values for people to travel around in the world, but you just don't have a clue as you're a RELIC of cold war indoctrination. Seeing the the whole world as an enemy and especially Cuba. HYPOCRITE :rolleyes:

    Yes, I would visit North Korea, as I would consider such visiting as a 'Sowing the seeds of change for the locals' as any contact with the oppressed gives them more power and reassurance in getting a stronger foothold to oppose the given regimes. On the contrary, there are thousands of examples of contacts with local people in North Korea, where visitors where able to smuggle out, letters, underground publications, stolen official documents, photos, video tapes etc. Again, you're clueless.

    There are dozens of countries that US has no diplomatic relations with and US citizens still visit them daily, including North Korea. Irrelevant if one gets help or not from our government, people are taking risks daily everywhere. Especially those who travel to such locations are very aware of the risks, sometimes even more than SOME people (no offense to those who are in the field working hard) that work for State Dept. as they sit in a concrete blocks of embassies without ever sticking their noses out and are only collecting EASY information from those who have more guts to asses situation around. Information that later on is being passed to Washington to further missinform about the dangers around in a given country as a travel warning. What about stats and credible info on travel warning about the countries that US has no diplomatic relations? So tell me where is that information gathered from, other countries dipolmatic posts or perhaps from daily observations via satellites? Nonsensical scaring tactic. :blink:

    You're a PERFECT example of pathological insularity, poke your head outside, there is a whole world out there. I know FOX tells you that you will get shot, robbed, raped, poisoned, diseased and die once you dissembark the plane. Oh, I've forgotten, what's the point to travel anyway we are already in PARADISE! And we US citizens know EVERYTHING conceivable about every squre inch of the planet there is, why bother travelling. Besides, THE WORLD IS USA and the rest is just that notworthy of any recognition dangerous scrap of a globe with sick savagery and barbarism? :blink:

    I guess my example with the ornithologist was way to DIFFICULT to comprehend? :blink:

    You pinpoint appalling social conditions as the reason to not travel to a given country, but yourself you have visited Third World countries, how socially conscious and noble of you. Hypocrite card raised again! :blink:

    Opps, I forgot that your travel experiences are mostly composed of visiting military bases, Guantanamo, Panama Canal and any other that had or still has a US military base, hardly a traveling portfolio, upon which to make a sound observations. You're probably including flying over an airspace as a visit to a given country as well. PATHETIC

    I'm awaitning your response in large font CAPS and in green color, you can even go and summerize every single post I made on this forum as part of your extensive research that somehow in your mind proves your point, like you have done in the past, when running out of ideas. Btw, you're very democratically oriented chap, as last time you've connoted that people who've made only 20 posts or so, shouldn't speak out as such privilege is only reserved for those who have posted enough and belong to the forum for a long time. Privileged posters like yourself that are recognized with many posts and long membership of burping and belching something, clearly not an elitist perception. For the record I've been reading the forum for over a year and a half, but I've joined it after purchasing my Prius.
  7. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dsunman @ Apr 23 2006, 05:53 AM) [snapback]243914[/snapback]</div>
    I never said (or connoted) that it is ok for you to visit China and Vietnam but not North Korea . I said, “more power to ya!†- - You seem to be having a problem with your comprehension. I guess an angry disposition will do that to people. :p You are reading more into it than what is actually written. And just because you wrote something doesn't mean others are required to respond point for point, item by item . . . otherwise your point is proven true. Which brings up a point . . . I'm currious why you haven't answered my question, “Do you agree with jayman regarding Puerto Rico and Cuba being alike?†Does your silence mean you disagree with jayman? Puerto Rico/Cuba . . . that is the crux of this whole debate, not whether or not I mentioned Vietnam or China in my response. And yes, I've been to China . . . and no, we don't have any military bases there. :mellow: The number of countries I visited as a civilian far outnumber those I have been to as a member of the US military.

    Your impression of US military personnel visiting foreign countries seems to be a misguided belief that it is nothing more than . . . “Visit beautiful foreign countries, meet interesting and exotic people, and KILL THEM.†:eek: For the most part, military personnel visiting foreign countries are very respectful of the local people, customs, and laws. Of course, add alcohol to a sailor who has been out to sea for several months, and all bets are off! :lol: But, it is US civilian vacationers, not military personnel on leave, who have earned the reputation as “Ugly Americans.â€

    One of my most prized memories as a sailor visiting foreign countries was a visit to Split, Yugoslavia in the late 1980's while Tito was still ruler. I met a darling high school girl who spoke absolutely fluent English. She looked and sounded like a California beach bunny. She could even do accents such as British, Aussie, Southern Drawl, New Englander, etc. She confided in me that her dad wanted to move her family to the US, but was unable. She said being Catholic and living in Yugoslavia had its perils, and that she wished to come to the US for medical school. She even wore a tee shirt which said “California University†(wherever that is :unsure: ). I gave her one of my California State University, Sacramento tee shirts, and one of my Lifeguard jerseys. She wore the Sac State shirt the next day when I gave her and some friends a tour of the USS America. In her group of friends was a 16-17 year old boy who seemed less than friendly. She was the only one who spoke fluent English, so she translated. When we got back to shore, he wanted to know, “Who in the USA has to go to jail.†After several back and forths which made him progressively angrier, he finally said, “COMMUNISTS! Communists have to go to jail, DON'T THEY!†He didn't like the following answer either, so, the only way I could think to prove it to him was to tell him to pick out any sailor or group of sailors, and I would tell them that I am now a communist. After about 20 minutes (there were a lot of sailors to choose from as we were still near Fleet Landing) he picked a group of five or six mid-ranking officers. “Um, excuse me sirs, I'm becoming a communist. I've come to appreciate the lifestyle, and believe in their system of government.†The officers slowed their gaggle for about three seconds before starting to laugh and walk away - at which time one of them said, “Yeah, we developed warm fuzzy feelings for the people of Yugoslavia too.†The teenage boy got mad and stormed off. He said it was a rehearsed display of capitalist deception. :lol: After he had left, she told me that his dad was a very powerful local communist party member. :blink:

    And please show me where I ever “connoted that people who've made only 20 posts or so, shouldn't speak out as such privilege is only reserved for those who have posted enough and belong to the forum for a long time.†Any connotation along those lines are a product of the filtered echoes you are hearing bouncing around inside your head.

    So, is green a disturbing color for you? I use it when I paste quotes. It tends to make it easier to comprehend what is what in a post. But if you wish to nitpick the color of the fonts and try to connote a different meaning, go for it big boy. . . but the substance is in what is written, not what color or font is used. :rolleyes:

    [I will be leaving tomorrow on a 5 day mini-vacation to The Sea Ranch . I promise not to take advantage of the economic plight of the people who live on the Sonoma-Mendocino coast of Northern California.] :p :lol:
  8. dsunman

    dsunman New Member

    Feb 7, 2006
    Let's go to the crux of your misunderstanding and my questioning of your hypocrisy, as that is the SOLE reason I've engaged.

    I intended to raise a red card on your HYPOCRITICAL approach in your own statements, everything else is irrelevant as is a sidetracking on travel in general, agree about that.

    Here below, you'll find one of the YOUR posts pertaining Jayman. At which point I've decided to bring your hypocrisy to the surface.

    This is what you said:

    "But, I do have issues with jayman holding up legally being able to visit Cuba as some great benefit of living in Canada (or any other country which allows visits to Cuba). CUBA IS A COMMUNIST STATE WHICH OPPRESSES ITS CITIZENS . . . to the point that many of them will risk their lives on rickety rafts to reach freedom. By vacationing in Cuba, jayman is helping keep a failed dictatorship afloat, and is helping keep the people of Cuba oppressed all that much longer. Of course it is “WAY cheaper than the Mexican hotspots, Caymans, or Aruba” - the workforce is forced and exploited labor. They are told where and when to work, and are paid at the whim of the state.

    Let's all go party in Cuba! Maybe we can have a PriusChat meet-up in Cuba and demonstrate to the peasants how we, as a group of world citizens, live and breath a social justice and environmentally conscious lifestyle.
    C'mon people, it would be cheap . . . besides, the booze and cigars are excellent.

    And jayman has the gall (or ignorance) to compare Cuba to Puerto Rico???? Now there is your joke!"

    It would be idiotic to even consider comparing Puerto Rico to Cuba in terms of political freedoms and economics and concluding that Cuba is better off. Hence I haven't even attempted such foolishness. Even though up to your last post you still 'think or cogitate' that I've avoided STUPID question of yours. Widely available data for such comparison is a rudimentary knowledge 'BOY' as you tend to call me. If you think that people equate both on those premises than you are having serious issues.

    Your Hypocrisy # 1 :p
    Let's evaluate benefits of visiting or not visiting Cuba from many different approaches.
    Globally (as some think globe is USA) people compare Cuba and Puerto Rico within INTRINSIC parameters like I stated but obviously you are too SMART to comprehend it. YES one individual may decide to visit Cuba just for the sheer factor of trying of their cigars in an ambiance of a local bar alone, many visit just PRECISELY to see how Cuban communism works, how about that? You still didn't acknowledge my point with ornithologist, he studies endemic not migratory birds! So to him Puerto Rico is as important as Vanuatu.
    What about photographers? Can't they visit Cuba for whatever aesthetical values there may be in Cuba, landscapes, photogenic people, modern socialist architecture or Spanish or perhaps even pre-Columbian. How about organic agriculturalists who study Cuba as one of the least polluted countries on the PLANET, as they have no money for pesticides, herbicides nor heavy industry. According to you there are no intrinsic values, as all those non-US citizens are just jet-setters. What about naturalists, biologists, marine biologists, ethnologists, musicians, historians, writers etc can't they visit Cuba and enjoy beach and whatever else comes inexpensive or expensive and follow their calling with whatever Cuba has to offer. According to you they should SKIP Cuba in order of visiting Grand Cayman or other. One can write pages about benefits, and those benefits are universally recognized even among US citizens, but YOU are happen to be the one that tells us WE ARE WRONG, Cuba is communist and as a good citizens we should avoid it. We're obeying the relic of a ban, it is another political BS!

    Your Hypocrisy # 2 :p
    "oppressed people" according to you people are only oppressed in "COMMUNIST" countries right? And I forgot "a specific communist country" Cuba. You even admitted that you have visited China, but you jump at people who visit Cuba. You said Jayman is supporting Cuba, but you've haven't supported China's dictatorship with your visit by any chance, have you?. If you don't see hypocrisy in your own statements than you're fool of s... . Oh, btw when mainland Chinese are trying to reach Taiwan, tiny islands of New Territories or Lantau by anything that floats, that's not worthy of your attention, is it? You neglect to be screaming and yelling at those that visit China about their immoral decision making in choosing a destination. What about other oppressed countries, would you visit Malabo in Equatorial Guinea? Here is the link how our political representatives, present hypocrisy to the world and why the rest of the world will never take our foreign policies seriously. Article

    Your Hypocrisy # 3 :p
    "helping other dictatorships" gee, WOW this is amazing as we USA have never helped any I mean 'ANY' single dictatorship in the world, I wish someone else here jumps on this and give you a super looooong list of dictatorial countries that we fully helped or helping right now where people are being OPPRESSED.
    As I'm tired of debating with chauvinistic former military 'RIGHTARD' indoctrination. Reciprocating for your pleasantness in word usage.

    "rickety rafts" passengers are not always indicating political refugee status, but according to you, once someone leaves Cuba it's only for political freedom. So why do we want to send back so many to Cuba, they were oppressed, weren't they?
    You scream with compassion about risking life's on those 'rickety rafts', what about thousands of people who die DAILY trying to escape oppression of one kind of another. Does a story about Papua New Guinea mean anything to you from the past few days? What about Africans dying daily trying to cross Mediterranean to Italy, Greece or Spain? What about Haitians?

    You're nothing but a hypocrite about this issue with Jayman, period. :p

    On other raised subjects:

    Military conduct overseas is exemplary on a part of majority of our good soldiers, I fully recognize this. Unfortunately in the real world small bad circumstances tend to be a hyperbole, a MSM feeds on such instances, therefore a commanding officers should be PARTICULARLY vigilant and restrictive to avoid possible tarnishing and damaging the image of our forces overseas. Until commanding offices will not be accountable in terms of disciplinary degradation and only receive a slap on the wrist, nothing will EVER change.

    There hasn't been a single monitored protest against protesters wanting US out of Okinawa or Japan within entire Japan. Japanese wants us 'OUT' now, tomorrow, yesterday! I don't have to resort to links to to show how some of our enlisted have behaved over there, do I? I'm not sure about S. Korea, I'd glad to find out if there were any protests for keeping US forces in their country, please supply if there is such evidence. S. Koreans resent our presence as well and especially our heavy-handedness. They are trying to unite as Germans did, officially taking steps against our shortsightedness in handling a very delicate matter. In principal S. Koreas want us 'OUT', period.

    Let's see how you'll divert this time in the responding post. :blink:

    Pointer, when someone pinpoints a given misunderstanding ridden with hypocrisy it not an act of 'ANGER'. You on the other hand being challenged had only resorted to marginalizing the core of the issue 'YOUR OWN HYPOCRISY' by supplanting a form of paraphrasing with diminutive connotations without even a iota of admittance to your own faulty assertions about Cuba. Hey, I don't debate for the sake of debating! It's about your hypocrisy fantastically presented that just screams for engaging with.

    As far as your elitism on PC goes, go and check your own post with response to 'ME' by throwing all my posts together several weeks back. You can't miss it as it contains 70 or so of my posts in one. I don't feel like digging for it.

    I like use of color fonts, it's just a pattern to be expected in your replies, especially when with huge CAPS. ;)

    Have a nice trip with your 'social consciousness' this weekend, btw interesting story about Yugoslavia. ;)

    endorsed here as:

    'BOY' (meaning me) as you called me.
  9. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    I think dsunman is the new Mystery Squid...

  10. dsunman

    dsunman New Member

    Feb 7, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Apr 24 2006, 11:35 AM) [snapback]244256[/snapback]</div>
    I've contracted a highly contagious 'fixation' from YOU, either from ingestion or contamination, you're the one that instilled the fervor in me. Sadly we are on the opposite spectrum of ideological perceptions. Imagine if we both had the same views, PC would have trembled with the most unimaginable flames. :lol:

    BTW, I'm selective, you seem to go for anything... :lol:

  11. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dsunman @ Apr 24 2006, 11:41 AM) [snapback]244258[/snapback]</div>
    :lol: It is most welcome, for I, have exhausted myself through such amusement, and eagerly welcome a worthy replacement!

    Congratulations dsunman, it means something when the Squid calls YOU the Squid.... :lol:


    I may now have to obtain an inconspicuous avatar and assimilate myself into this varying gray shade wad of Prius Play Dough... :ph34r:
  12. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Apr 22 2006, 05:34 PM) [snapback]243750[/snapback]</div>
    No really, I mite think he goes out parties hard at the blue oyster realizes the fun he's had, & being sore he goes out to the pub and then gets beat up then blames someone in the goverment for his peril. lol
  13. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dsunman @ Apr 24 2006, 07:36 AM) [snapback]244232[/snapback]</div>
    I have been avoiding writing this response only because dsunman has expanded the detractors away from just Cuba and Puerto Rico into biblical proportions with China, North Korea, Viet Nam, hypocrisy, elitism, etc. – but now, since hybridTHEvibe has kindly taken to calling me a hypocrite in another thread . . . http://priuschat.com/index.php?s=&showtopi...ndpost&p=256758 . . . I feel no other choice than to respond.
    Sorry in advance . . . it requires a biblical proportion response to go point by point.

    Wow!!! Speaking of being hypocritical . . . “boy.â€
    [dsunman's words in blue]
    “Am I detecting vitriolic jealously of some kind, squidly boy?â€

    “Hum, I see squidlyboy coming to your defenseâ€

    “re-iron your brown shirt boy...â€


    “I'm very well acquainted with Venezuela my boyâ€

    “you have a problem boy“

    “I doubt you'll arrive at such a conclusion at Al-Riyadh my boyâ€

    “I see, the religious boys replied to it like a starving fly deprived of a carp for few weeksâ€

    “One has to be equipped with some kind of cognition to comprehend that squidly boy"

    “Resort to something more constructive as you losing it squidly boyâ€


    “I'm not the only one here picking on squidly-boy eitherâ€



    Yet you complain about me saying “go for it big boy†to you :rolleyes: . . .

    “Widely available data for such comparison is a rudimentary knowledge 'BOY' as you tend to call me.â€
    . . .
    endorsed here as:
    'BOY' (meaning me) as you called me.â€

    Just one example of your exaggerations: “'BOY' as you tend to call me.†Using the word “boy†once is not a trend. But do it over and over, yet complain when someone else does it . . . hypocrisy at its finest! :p

    But lets explore your calling me a hypocrite:

    Your Hypocrisy # 1
    “Let's evaluate benefits of visiting or not visiting Cuba from many different approaches.â€

    Does Cuba have good cigars and a “special†ambiance - Yes. Does Cuba have Cuban communism which is best studied IN Cuba - Yes. Does Cuba have endemic birds ornithologists would love to study? - Yes. . . . and photographers would like to take pictures . . . and architecture architects would like to study . . . and on and on . . .

    “According to you there are no intrinsic values, as all those non-US citizens are just jet-setters.â€
    I never said that, and I dare you to find were I did.
    I was replying to jaymans comparison of Cuba to Puerto Rico with his reply of “I guess you don't travel much. The same thing could be said of P.R.â€
    What he replied to was my post of
    “Cuba: Another shining example of the wonders of communism.
    So, just how many people smuggle their way into Cuba with dreams of a better life?â€

    jayman wasn't comparing Cuba's cigars, ambiance, birds and beaches to Puerto Rico . . . but YOU ARE!

    If the birds, beaches, cigars, ambiance, etc are what draw you to Cuba as a tourist, so be it. But let's make one thing clear. By doing so, you are helping Fidel maintain his failed repressive dictatorship – WHILE YOU ARE HAVING A FUN TIME AT THE EXPENSE OF THE PEOPLE OF CUBA! :angry:

    Nothing hypocritical there on my part.

    Your Hypocrisy # 2
    “"oppressed people" according to you people are only oppressed in "COMMUNIST" countries right? And I forgot "a specific communist country" Cuba. You even admitted that you have visited China, but you jump at people who visit Cuba. You said Jayman is supporting Cuba, but you've haven't supported China's dictatorship with your visit by any chance, have you?.
    I never said “all oppressed people are in communist countries," or anything like it. And yes, I did visit China. But it is you who are reading way too much into what I wrote.
    Back in the 80's, I visited Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. On a couple of the trips I had the opportunity to step-foot over the border into China to purchase some fruit and trinkets from street vendors . . . hardly what I would consider propping-up a regime . . . nor do I think today it would make any difference in China. The massive amounts of capitalism now taking place there will someday cause the Communist system to disappear out of lack of relativity amongst the people. Remember Tienanmen? The next "Tienanmen" will be widespread and even more popular.
    North Korea on the other hand is a basket case. If you make your way there, try having a conversation with the old men and pregnant women in P'yongyang . . . Oops, my bad. THERE AREN'T ANY! :blink:

    Hypocritical on my part? I think not.

    Your Hypocrisy # 3
    "helping other dictatorshipsâ€
    Just because ALL US presidential administrations (along with many many other countries around the world) have had relations with various dictatorship through the years, doesn't make me a hypocrite for not personally playing along . . . whether or not I agree with a particular situation.

    "Japanese wants us 'OUT' now, tomorrow, yesterday!"
    While I agree that the Japanese on Okinawa have been unfairly burdened with the number of US troops, equipment, noise and crime, you are highly exaggerating by saying Japanese wants us out now, tomorrow, yesterday. Otherwise they wouldn't have signed a new military agreement with the US.

    Japan strengthens military, tightens ties to U.S. Military.

    The Navy, meanwhile, has won approval to base a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier south of Tokyo. [my edit: WOW! A NUCLEAR-POWERED CARRIER!!! :eek: ]

    US Patriot PAC-3 (missile) capabilities would be deployed to Japan
    8,000 US Marines and their 9,000 family members would be relocated from Okinawa to the US Pacific island of Guam.
    There are currently more than 40,000 US troops in Japan, more than half of them in the Okinawa chain where islanders have long demanded a reduction in the US presence.
    http://www.spacewar.com/reports/US_And_Jap...ary_Revamp.html </span>

    You are totally exeragerating if you are trying to say ALL Japanese want ALL US military out . . . now, tomorrow, or yesterday! :p

    "As far as your elitism on PC goes, go and check your own post with response to 'ME' by throwing all my posts together several weeks back. You can't miss it as it contains 70 or so of my posts in one. I don't feel like digging for it."

    I'll dig . . . knowing your aversion to links . . . especially when they will prove you wrong again. :p
    In that post, I highlighted 29 of your posts, not “70 or so.†If I were to do it again today, I'm sure I could find at least 70 new ones to choose from.
    I was not showing elitism . . . I was showing how I came to my conclusion about your ultra-liberal affliction, and to demonstrate how hostile and negative you have been here on Priuschat from the first day you started to post.

    My favorite?
    <span style="color:#3333FF">“you can't rock as your irrational conduct is a proof of being a victim of dentata,
    your sang-froid is driven by your brain trying to compansate for a lack of ...
    apparently, your penile prosthesis is not fully redeeming the functionality of your brainâ€

    Now, who exactly is trying to be elitist? Hypocrite.
  14. dsunman

    dsunman New Member

    Feb 7, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ May 19 2006, 12:04 AM) [snapback]257869[/snapback]</div>

    it must have taken you a week to go over all these posts, why don't you find all those brilliant squidly verbal creations and juxtapose them, you love mine instead, don't you?

    you have already done this before, I don't get it, what's the point of regurgitating same carp over again, didn't it hurt you the last time? the pain didn't dissipate I guess till now.

    you've disappeared for weeks with the posts and now you expect me to reply to this amassed monstrosity, I don't even know where to begin.

    now, I'm giving you the satisfaction, I'm a hypocrite and you're not, YOU WON!

    as far as wording of 'boy' goes, since you're so skillful in tracing all posters word usage, provide me the first post of mine where I used it for the first time, if I'm not mistaken you were the one that spread that viral use of the word within my lingua in a post replying to me, calling me a boy, for which I have reciprocated.
    Am I not allow to use a word ever again in accordance to avoid becoming a hypocrite? -Huh-?

    How cleverly you have erased all the essence of my posts just to divert the attention.

    To late, to convoluted and manipulated to your crazy scheme, this is the most bizarre retort I've ever seen.

    Enjoy the rest of the day, pup a champagne, victory has arrived.

    BTW welcome to the ignored, as you're really scary with your persistence, it borders on obsession, let me tell you I wouldn't mind having a beer with squid one day, even though we routinely collide, but your personality trait just gives me goose-bumps. :mellow:

    this is crazy, completely irrational stalking

    yawn ;)
  15. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    "it must have taken you a week to go over all these posts, why don't you find all those brilliant squidly verbal creations and juxtapose them, you love mine instead, don't you?"
    It's not Mr. Squid complaining about “boy†now is it. ;) But it's OK for you use "boy" AND complain when I use it ONCE??? :rolleyes: Now, where is that hypocrite card???

    "you have already done this before, I don't get it, what's the point of regurgitating same carp over again, didn't it hurt you the last time? the pain didn't dissipate I guess till now."
    I was asked to respond by hybridTHEvibe. He don't do none of dat compra-hendin' much too. He be moorea follawer. I was more than willing to let it lie . . . even though you were being a hypocrite and lying.

    "you've disappeared for weeks with the posts and now you expect me to reply to this amassed monstrosity, I don't even know where to begin."
    Now you know how I felt starting my response. :blink: Yes, I did disappear. It's called having a life. Part of that life included a five day vacation on the Northern California coast – Monday through Friday . . . but of course you misinterpreted my I'm-leaving-tomorrow (a Monday) and replied, “Have a nice trip with your 'social consciousness' this weekend.†And now you seem to have conveniently forgot that part too.
    "now, I giving you the satisfaction, I'm a hypocrite and you're not, YOU WON!"
    I'm not the winner . . . everyone else is the loser because of your hypocrisy and the lies and half-truths you spread. Are you sure your alter ego isn't daniel? Unbiased corroborating links are your bane.

    "as far as wording of 'boy' goes, since you're so skillful in tracing all posters word usage, provide me the first post of mine where I used it for the first time, if I'm not mistaken you were the one that spread that viral use of the word within my lingua in a post replying to me, calling me a boy, for which I have reciprocated.
    Since you are a glutton for punishment . . . Gladly!
    You are mistaken, um, WRONG, again . . .

    Mar 23 2006, 04:09 PM

    A FULL MONTH BEFORE MY POST!!!: :lol: :lol: :lol: :p
    Apr 23 2006, 11:45 PM
    “go for it big boy.â€

    AS FOR MYSTERY SQUID: The only post I could find in which he used “boy†as a derogatory term was over a month AFTER your first use of “boy.â€
    Apr 28 2006, 08:10 AM
    “Then you and dsunboy can sit around and commiserate on the issue from your smug million dollar suburban homes....â€

    Your first response to a post which contained the derogatory word “boy†was eight days before you included it in your PriusChat vocabulary:
    Mar 15 2006, 04:52 PM
    “Hi! my little POOFTIE...â€
    So don't be hatin' on me for your potty mouth.

    Am I not allow to use a word ever again in accordance to avoid becoming a hypocrite? -Huh-?"
    Not if you complain about others using the same word.

    "Enjoy the rest of the day, pup a champagne, victory has arrived."
    Rather than “pup some champagne†. . . I'll think I'd rather continue sippin' my glass of Pinot Grigio. Cin-cin! :D

    "BTW welcome to the ignored, as you're really scary with your persistence, it borders on obsession, let me tell you I wouldn't mind having a beer with squid one day, even though we routinely collide, but your personality trait just gives me goose-bumps."
    If you place me on ignore, so be it. We really don't communicate anyway. Others will still see my responses (corrections) to your posts – and have a good laugh at your expense . . . and you can just wonder how I am making a fool of you. You on the other hand can just remain ignorant in your safe little bubble and believe the world agrees with you as much as you see and read during altered PriusChat sessions.
    It's not a coincidence that IGNORE is the root word of IGNORANT. :p

    "this is crazy, completely irrational stalking
    Don't flatter yourself. I was asked to respond, but of course, you probably didn't comprehend that part of my post either. :huh:
  16. hybridTHEvibe

    hybridTHEvibe New Member

    Feb 4, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ May 19 2006, 05:35 AM) [snapback]257942[/snapback]</div>
    Funny, I didn't ask you to respond to dsunman, did I?
  17. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hybridTHEvibe @ May 19 2006, 04:31 AM) [snapback]257953[/snapback]</div>
    You didn't say “dsunman†by name, but . . .

    I asked daniel to explain his post of a few weeks ago in which he stated:
    “Entering the US without permission is not against the law. You can be deported for it, and you can be "detained" pending hearings or deportation. But you cannot be sentenced to jail or prison for it. The undocumented people so often refered to as "illegals" have not broken any law by coming here without permission.â€

    To which you responded:
    “and we are still waiting for your responses to so many questions. dude, could you not be more hypocritical? are you for real? Ohh I forgot you have a selective memory.â€

    There are no outstanding questions for me to answer in either of the above threads . . . and if you care to point them out to me, be my guest.

    So, therefor, I must assume you are talking about another thread . . . so, I searched for all threads where you have responded to my posts. After all, you did say “we are still waiting†.

    HERE are the resultant threads:

    The only post I could find where there were unanswered questions asked of me - (and oh, by the way, where I also happened to be called hypocritical) - is in this thread, and asked by dsunman.
    You were waiting for my reply to his questions, weren't you??? :huh:

    If you have a better example of any of the myriad of questions asked of me in which “we are still waiting for your responses to so many questions†- please feel free to enlighten me. If you are waiting, you must know where they are, right? :p

    I SHALL LAUGH NOW IN ANTICIPATION! :lol: :lol: :lol:
    All your responses to this point have been childish accusations without any substance.

    Have not!
    Have too.
    Have not.
    Have too.

    YAWN! :p
  18. maggieddd

    maggieddd Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ May 19 2006, 02:43 PM) [snapback]258179[/snapback]</div>

    Since you are asking for posts to which you have not responded, I would like to take you up on your offer. I would appreciate if you could kindly respond to my post which you "unintentionally overlooked". I know you are very good at digging out old threads, posts, quotes but to save you time I am providing a link for you.


    Thank you
  19. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(maggieddd @ May 19 2006, 03:00 PM) [snapback]258280[/snapback]</div>
    Hi Maggie,
    I could be snide and give you a hybridTHEvibe-ish retort and say something stupid like, “Funny, I didn't ask you to respond . . . , did I?†. . . but I won't. ;)

    So, since I don't see a direct question from you, should I take it that the question you wish for me to answer is . . .

    “If you have such beef with Chavez why aren't you screaming about King Abdullah [of Saudi Arabia], whose hands are being shaken very often by members of our administration; an incredible purveyor of social justice and freedom for his citizens in your mind, right?â€

    If that isn't your question, please let me know . . . but I will run with this one.

    Since you and I threw jabs back and forth of pictures of Presidents shaking dictators' hands, and your question is about Saudi Arabia – let me save both of us the trouble of posting more picture jabs of various US presidents meeting with Saudi leaders. There are plenty on both sides of the political spectrum:

    Did you mean to say “members of our administration†or “ members of our administrationS� . . . a big difference if you are trying to make this a right-wing ~ left-wing thing.

    I would not wish to try to defend either the current or former leader(s) of Saudi Arabia or Hugh Chavez on social justice or freedom for their respective citizens. BUT . . .

    It isn't the leader of Saudi Arabia who is saying, "Down with the U.S. empire! It must be said, in the entire world: Down with the empire!"

    Please don't ask me to try to compare Hugh Chavez to any other dictator in the world. I am not a fan of dictatorships and I don't think I have said one good thing about ANY dictator, except, maybe, "couldn't you have thought-up someone a little more onerous" [than King Abdullah of Jordan.]

    It is Cindy Sheehan who is thinks of Chavez as her buddy. :huh: