I use power all the time except when in heavy stop and go traffic. I still get 50-54 MPG in PWR mode. It feels like I have a faster car than it is. I keep the good MPG because I don't gun it when I accelerate.
I use normal. Eco is a bit weak and Power feels too twitchy. I call it Angry mode because the dash turns red and it reminds me of the way my Dad used to drive when he was mad. Normal gives me power if I need it but I can ease up on the gas and get better MPG if I want. It's a good middle ground. I have 2016 Four Touring. I'm getting 49 mpg on average according to the odometer and over 3K miles.
I drive in Eco unless it get over 90 degrees out when I switch to normal. Normal runs more A/C than Eco. It is not really important as well over 95% of my driving is on Cruise Control, where Mode does not matter.
I'm in Eco all the time now. The car still picks up great when getting on the highway or passing. First 2 tanks I drove in normal, got 54 and 55 mpg. Third tank was like 90% Eco got 58mpg. Currently on 4th tank, well on my way to high 50's again. My commute is 90% highway too.
I have just over 2000 miles on the ODO now. 2nd month of ownership. For the first month, I drove 100% in Eco mode. Averaged a steady 60 mpg. For all of April, I switched over to "Normal" mode and the car seems easier to drive. I'm not driving slow, I keep up with traffic, and I run the AC almost constantly. Surprisingly, I'm still averaging that same 60 mpg. (maybe my computer display is stuck? ) Sorry to bore you with my worn-out picture again:
I spent the first tank in eco, but since then have stuck to normal without any real change to mileage and the car feels much better to drive (did some hill driving in 'angry' mode which was fun though!) The A/C is generally in eco mode with driver priority if I'm alone.
So I wonder why Toyota includes an "Eco" driving mode? Everyone seems to agree that there is little, or no difference between Normal and Eco.
I've been in ECO mode for the first tank, and thought that'd be best for break-in. I think I'll try Normal Mode on tank 2.
How fast do you go on the highway? My commute is also 90% highway too and I only get about 51-52ish... (53-54 according to the trip computer)
All 3 modes have the same potential for high mpg or high acceleration. Eco mode makes it easier to finetune the pedal for mpg, Power makes it easier to burst speed. There might be a change in how fast the engine will throttle up or down, but as we see it's a small difference.
I've heard on the 2016 that ECO sort-of corresponds to Normal on 3rd gen, and Normal's sim to 3rd gen PWR. If that's the case, in a 2016 maybe ECO's not bad, do not know. I know on 3rd gen it's a workout for your right leg, waay too much travel. I see no benefit with that amount of pedal travel, if anything, it makes it harder to modulate.
Have not noticed a big power drop in ECO in the Gen 4. However a calibrated foot is still best folks.