I was just watching a show on CNBC called Topic A With Tina Brown. Arianna Huffington was the guest host. As many of you may know, Ms. Huffington is a great advocate of hybrids. She did a segment in which she talked about the Prius. Her contention is that it is good that stars drive the hybrids because it will encourage young people to emulate them. Al Franken was a guest on the show. He commented that what we really need to get people to buy the Prius is to have a movie in which a hot, young couple have sex in the back of the Prius. Arianna commented something like out of the Hummer and into the Prius. I can't believe I am driving a car that is getting this much attention. It is kind of fun. Jeff
Maybe Franken and Huffington could get it on in her Prius and sell the DVD on the AARP website. :wink: Honestly, I think the young people I meet that are attracted to Prius wouldn't be influenced by anything two aging hypocrites (private jets and limousines) have to say about it. I agree about the attention level, though. If anything, I get more stares, pointing, approving nods and favorable comments than eight months ago. I haven't had this much car attention in years, even driving some exotic stuff multiple times more expensive, but less differentiated within their market segment, than Prius. It's fun driving a living legend, unique in all the world, affordable and available to almost everyone patient. Thanks, Toyota!
I've got a new Prius Promotional line: </span>You can get a HUMMER in a Prius!<span style=\'color:red\'> Please don't make me spell that out for anyone!