I was poking around the NAV system this morning, and found that you can edit the icon displayed for the "My Places" list of locations. This is good as I sometimes get tired of seeing all those flags when I'm trying to find some place on the map that is not one of my saved locations. It's also nice because the 5 or 6 "quick access" destinations can each have separate icons, giving me a chance at rememerbing which is which from the destination screen. The part that really gave me a chuckle, though, is the last page of icon choices "with sound". I wondered what the heck that would mean, but gave it a try, by setting one for the office. So sure enough, when I was almost at work, a little music box jingle began to play. I can't think of a practical use for this at the moment, but probably someone could make use of this? You, in effect, can have a sound play every time you approach a certain location. (One is "with direction" which I didn't test, but I assume it would only play if you approach in the selected direction?) Though the NAV system could use a lot of improvements, it is not only useful but endlessly amusing to me. Anyone else discover functions that they particularly like, or are entertained by?
You can also edit names, phone numbers So when you go in and add an icon to one of your places, you can also give it a name (like Mom or My Work or whatever you want to type in) so that you don't need to remember the number of the quick access button - it will show the name (at least, that is what I recall). You can also give each place a phone number, so if you enter it as a destination then hit "info", you can automatically call the destination on your BT phone. Perfect for those "I'm running late" calls.
Just a couple other items: You can name your marked locations, as was previously described. But the names don't have to show up on the map if you don't want them to. You can turn the map display of the name on & off, but you can keep the name so you can navigate back to that point later. The icons will be displayed regardless. Have you guys tried fooling around with the voice commands on the NAV system? Two of my more useful commands have been "Set Previous Destination" and "Delete all destinations". The trouble with the delete destinations is that it requires a "Yes" or "No" confirmation and it has trouble recognizing something so quick as "Yes". I usually have to drag out the "esss" sound to it to work (otherwise, it thinks I want to see all of the gas stations).
Yeah, I need to do that (turn off the name display for the "My Places") to unclutter my map screen. As for voice commands, I have given up on getting her to recognize "Yes". Instead since the yes/no buttons appear on the current screen, I just manually push the yes button instead.
I have just started using my BT phone with my Prius and LOVE IT! Unfortunately, today I noticed that since the INFO button is grayed out when you are moving, although you can set your destination by pressing the icon displayed on the map, you can't call ahead unless you are stopped [] Still love it, tho!!
For me, the most useful NAV functions are: Voice activated POIs. This saves so much trouble with button pushing and is fully functional while driving. There's a long list of recognized POI types, but my most used are ATM, Gas Station, Grocery Store, and FAST FOOD! Entering a destination using a phone number. I didn't even realize this function was there. The DEST screen is two pages long, so you have to hit the "1/2" button on the top of the screen to get to "2/2". The last option for entering a destination is Phone Number. Up pops the same phone pad as when you're making a call and you just enter the 10-digit number. It locates the corresponding address for you, displays it, and you just select it as the Destination. No more dealing with street names that are similar, like Rd, Blvd, St, etc. I entered my home phone number as a test and up popped my home address. Especially surprising since I've only moved there within the past year.
Nav Lady speaks French We had fun listening to Nav Lady in French today. My husband said, "Hey, you could learn French this way." As long as you mostly just want to know "right" and "left". Just hit "Francais" when the I Agree screen appears.