Yep, the OEM comes with that. The original place I ordered the OEM from sent me universal/non-OEM without telling me. I returned them - then they tell me there is a stop sell on all mouldings. Didn't necessarily believe that - so I ordered them from Arlington Toyota. 2 days later they show up and installed this weekend. I really like them - they blend well with the black on the rear of the car.
Dealer installed? Or do it yourself? How do you determine at which height /angle to place the molding? (The rear of your white car looks "Champagne" color in that photo. That would be a great factory color choice for 2017.)
Installed it myself. They instructions are online but not converted for the US. They used measurements like 2.7 inches. So I just converted all the MM stats to CM because I had a CM tape measure. Took about 30 minutes per side to measure and prep. I'll post up my diagram.
Thanks for the comeback DBLXX. And is your car really bizzard pearl as Coast Cruiser is saying? It looks almost silver to me in the pics, but if it is BP, that is even better because that's what I've ordered and will definitely be including the moldings if they can look like yours. J
The lights in that parking structure are playing tricks on my old eyes. Great job on the install. Looks very professional.
Well then perhaps I should modify the color for the order ;-) Very professional indeed - I'm wondering if the Toyota dealer would do the job as well as you did.
I didn't trust the dealer to do it as my belief no one cares for your car as much as you. I used blue painters tape perfectly measured out. Then you clean the space with alcohol - peel and stick. From Arlington Toyota - $192 delivered.
I just picked up my new 2016 Prius Four (blue crush/black) last week and had asked the dealer to install the OEM door moldings by the time I got the car. They told me that they were having trouble getting the OEM door moldings because Toyota had just put a "hold" on the moldings due to quality control problems and the dealer would continue to try to get the moldings as soon as they were available. Has anyone else heard of this problem?
Yep - I was told that by a dealer and just ordered from another. It was direct shipped from the factory last Wednesday - I'm happy - but I heard that too.