Honda to add three green cars under Clarity name | Reuters So far the name has been used for Honda's hydrogen fuel cell car, the FCX Clarity. A totally new model, the Honda Fuel Cell, was launched in Japan in March and will be available in California late this year. That will be followed by the Clarity Electric in 2017 and the Clarity Plug-In Hybrid late next year, John Mendel, executive vice president of American Honda, told reporters at a briefing in Detroit on Wednesday. Honda also said in a statement on Thursday that the 2017 Accord Hybrid will go on sale in the United States before the end of spring. Honda sold about 14,000 of the previous model in the U.S. market in 2014, the last full year it was available.
This announcement along with the Buick efforts in China suggests the auto industry is finally getting a clue. It isn't just our CARB/CAFE that is forcing these new, fuel efficient models out. It is China and soon enough EU. In effect I sense a happy trend that will get auto companies to finally 'get a clue.' Of course next week we'll probably see the Hummer-SUV rise again. Bob Wilson
Honda says the phev version will be the volume leader, and with the low volume of fuel cell hydrogen stations, and competition from the bolt, model 3, and ioniq bev I am sure they are right. Honda's first attempt at a phev was the accord phev, which failed miserably. It went fairly head to head with the fusion energi, which looks fairly successful. It was much more expensive with shorter range, claiming people wanted charge sustain mpg (bad japanese hypothesis) not electric range. Honda has that mistep that it can learn from and in there partnership have access to the volt stuff too. If they can price it right this thing may sting gm back for partnering, as it looks like a better package. We will have to see how it turns out but this may also hurt the prius prime, ioniq phev, etc. If they can make a profit at $35K that is only $26K after tax credits in california
I'm glad they're at least giving us options I can't fill up a hydrogen fuel cell car, let alone buy one out here in the Midwest any time soon. But I can plug an electric car in my garage. Hopefully it sells well so that this will further encourage automakers to develop more plug-ins. And in the unlikely event hydrogen takes off, they have that base covered as well.
More stories, particularly regarding Accord hybrid, which they say was temporarily suspended while they moved its production to Japan. No Accord plug-in, due to the Clarity plug-in. 2017 Honda Accord Hybrid, Clarity Series Show EV Commitment Honda unveils new Accord Hybrid with a big sales goal 2017 Honda Accord Hybrid: First Look The 2017 Accord adds auto-braking, which was missing before. Hope the hybrid rides better now. Prior model was very jittery. That and lack of a spare tire caused my wife to choose the HyCam.
It's the Clarity !! Honda Clarity Range Expands, Will Include All-Electric Version A 5 seat Plugin Hybrid with 5 seats? And a fuel cell version that's not a compact, and no monstrous grillwork vent holes? And some said it couldn't be done ... Honda may finally be on a roll, after borking up their Accord hybrid with minimal CARB deliveries & uber-high prices - time will tell. .
woo hoo! looks like hyundai put a bug up their shoot. now, if only toyota would make some promises or claims that us first worlders could latch onto.
Reading on - I see they plan on releasing the hydrogen version 1st. One Canadian I know (no not our illustrious mod) commented how; "sad it is, to think that the EV variant would be held back in order to sort-of shelter the hydrogen version. They've got a lot of ground to recover on the EV front and have wasted valuable cash and time on the hydrogen. " My thinking is different. If they released the EV 1st - they'd have WAY more sales ... helping to recoup their R&D faster. Oh wait ... people buying a bunch of Honda EV's? That might not work so well for their 'other' / 1st release choice. .
Well the fit ev had poor range - but I'm hoping this might compete with the GM 200 mile ev version - the bolt .
Whaaaa? The Hydrogen version first? That's probably just to get the Press. Didn't work too well for Toyota revenue-wise, so this will work for Honda? Um, no. They didn't get the memo either, apparently. Glad they're upping their game with Plug-ins, though.
Silly comments all. Honda already had a fuel cell clarity, they pushed up the release of the next gen because toyota's politicking with the mirai. They needed it to satisfy japanese and california regulators. The fuel cell was pushed forward too far to use much of gm's tech and patents though, part of a partnership. The bev and phev are far enough out that they can work with gm engineers to build better models. Honda expects the phev to be the volume seller. It will be tough for the clarity bev to go head to head with the tesla model 3, bolt, and gen II leaf.
You're speaking of CMBS, collision mitigation braking as found on some 2016 Honda models with 'sensing' package. I was hoping it was electric parking brake and brake hold feature that I could and would use at just about every stop light. That comes in the 10th gen Accord lineup.