im getting ready to do about a 1200 round trip to daytona and back to home in nashville. i just joined audible and will be listening to audio books all the way down. how do i hook up. the blue tooth works fine. im just wondering on a 12 hour trip if i just plug into ...well what exactly to keep going all that way without phone running out of power.
Just plug the iPhone's USB cord into USB socket in the front of the console between the front seats. It'll charge your phone and you can even use the phone via the USB plug as well. iPhone ?
Playing audio while charging the iPhone works well, however using the USB port may take priority over Bluetooth. I use this AUKEY Car Charger which has enough amperage to charge while using GPS navigation apps and remaining on Bluetooth.
you know, i think i might just order one. they are cheap enough (about $13) and will take care of power and charge anxiety too. thanks