File this in the folder, 'who s*cks less.' Source: Despite Diesel Dilemma, VW Snatches Global Sales Lead from Toyota | Volkswagen says it was able to deliver 2.49 million vehicles during the first three months of 2016, a 0.8% year-over-year increase. Despite its diesel woes, sales surged 6.4% in the Chinese market, and it gained ground in the rest of Asia, as well as Europe. But the German maker suffered a 5.7% dip in the U.S., and a 2.1% decline in all of North America. That’s actually not as bad as it could have been. Before the maker acknowledged rigging its diesels to illegally pass American emissions tests last September, those oil burners accounted for about a quarter of its U.S. sales. Hefty incentives have shifted many potential buyers to the brand’s gas models. Separately, economic woes in key markets like Brazil led to a 27.6% plunge in South America. Toyota toppled off the sales throne after suffering a 2.3% decline for the quarter. Much of the blame goes to the unexpected shutdown of a critical steel supplier that led to parts shortages that forced Toyota to temporarily idle its Japanese assembly lines for a week. Overseas operations couldn’t help it make up the lost momentum. For the first quarter, GM volume slipped 2.5%, to 2.36 million – even while it reported record profits. GM has been suffering from the economic slowdown in China, its largest global market, though deliveries in the home U.S. market were up 7% for the January-to-March period. Ok, so VW grows market in China and GM suffers from the 'economic slowdown in China.' I almost didn't post this article because it seems to be seeking a solution. Definitely seems a little anti-Toyota but this is a Detroit sourced story. Bob Wilson
Maybe they're unloading all their dirty diesels there, the Terribly Dirty Illegals they can't sell in the US or Europe? The air quality is so bad in China that VW may be figuring nobody will notice.
Maybe, but I'm not so sure - headlines recently were: "China electric vehicle sales soar" AND "China Electric Car Sales Increased 223% In 2015" ... make me think they're well ahead of Australia where the headlines recently: "Slow electric vehicle uptake costing Australian economy" AND "Electric car sales predictions fall flat" - don't look all that promising.
what percent of vdubs are diesel in the usa? other than a letter received by those owners, the other 99% probably no nothing about it, nor prospective buyers, who are mostly clueless, and buy based on what other people are driving or how good a car looks to them. i have no idea what's going on in china, most likely, nothing good as usual.
Annual diesel car sales, which likely include the heavy duty trucks, is only around 1% in the US. The VW fleet will have larger percentage of diesels than the other manufacturers, because they were the only non-luxury diesel option for decades until the Cruze diesel arrived. Well, Toyota is building an BEV for China because they have too.
22.9% of VW's sales in the US were diesel in August 2015, the month before Dieselgate broke. It's a huge percentage of their sales here, and their dealers are revolting against VWoA as a result. (Their dealers are also generally revolting, as in they're terrible, though.) As far as China, I think most of the diesels for that market have been discontinued anyway - most of Volkswagen's sales there are gasoline engines. And, most of Volkswagen's sales there are also models that have been specifically adapted for the Chinese market (based on the global platforms, but with changes such as extended wheelbases, restyling, sedan versions of models that are usually hatchbacks, that kind of thing).
Not really. Diesels are extremely unpopular in China, for a number of reasons. AFAIK the only diesel that VW is still selling in China now is Touareg.
That's very interesting. Why are they unpopular in China? I'm not a big diesel fan but a few years ago I drove a Ford Fiesta or Focus diesel in Europe and it was a really nice car. So nice that it was hard to believe it was a Ford.
The article is too general and does not breakdown the type of cars that China customers are purchasing. Buick is a very popular brand in China, so are A4, Jetta... You need to consider that foreign automakers are designing and producing in China for China market, many of made in China vehicles can not be export to other countries (different standard). In regards article,VW sales, the type of vehicles produced in Chinese customers are limited and price competitive to other foreign built in China vehicles. The high technology drive trains such as low sulfur diesel or hybrid or electric car .. are usually made/built from its foreign country (of course with other countries parts such as Taiwan or even China). Another issue foreign made cars exported to China prices are higher. Regardless which company is #1, all companies are out to compete, augment or maintain market share.
That's what I've been driving - had a Focus Diesel, great car, now got a Fiesta diesel - last fill was 55.2 MPG US (4.26 l/100). When I bought the Fiesta, it was approx half the price of a Prius. I think Diesel is on its way out except for SUVs and trucks - there are less and less cars on the market here in Australia now. I'll go for the Prius this time.