Has anyone tried this yet? My 2016 Prius Excel (UK) shipped without the fancy software update (I can't post a link because I'm new, but the title on the Toyota UK blog is "Toyota Touch2 with Go receives major software upgrade"), and the one it came with is incredibly buggy. Has anyone been able to update their Prius software yet? If so, where did you find it and how did you do it? Mine is running 4.4.1WH, and according to MyToyota 4.3 is the latest version. My local Toyota dealer doesn't know the answer to this either - just that "it should work". They don't make it simple, do they?
Hi Si and welcome to Priuschat. Assuming you've registered yourself on My Toyota, have you registered your car on My Toyota with your code number off your V5 yet ? You have to sign in to My Toyota, go to the e-store and the latest map and car software, version 6.7.0H will be on there. If you haven't registered there will be a price on it, if you have it will show as free. There are dowload instructions with it when you purchase it (for free).
Thanks, kithmo. I've been a lurker for years so figured it was about time to register! Ah, 6.7.0H is currently listed as £99 and requires me to set a "FUD" (First Use Date), but that can't be set until I've driven 120 miles. Perhaps then it'll switch from paid to free. I best get driving! Thanks for your help.
When I google "My Toyota" it takes me to toyota dot com/owner/login. Is this the correct place to find updates because I am not seeing them. Thanks much!
I found them on the e-store here. I can't post links yet, but Google "My Toyota", and you'll want the first result ("/tme"). At the top of the page is a link to the e-Store. It's a pretty awful website, and it's often slow or broken.
You will firstly have to register with My Toyota, then log in and register you vehicle on your My Toyota page, then select the e-store. You must register your vehicle or you won't get the freebies. We get 3 years free system and map updates in the uk.
Mahoosive https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwivyIbSxrTMAhUDK8AKHVKKCbQQjRwIBw&url=%2Furl%3Fsa%3Di%26rct%3Dj%26q%3D%26esrc%3Ds%26source%3Dimages%26cd%3D%26cad%3Drja%26uact%3D8%26ved%3D0ahUKEwivyIbSxrTMAhUDK8AKHVKKCbQQjRwIBw%26url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fpeople.ngmnexpo.com%252Fhomer-simpson-at-work%252F%26psig%3DAFQjCNGQRx0NwlJ77IV6aMRE9mV-veYSAg%26ust%3D1462043448469651&psig=AFQjCNGQRx0NwlJ77IV6aMRE9mV-veYSAg&ust=1462043448469651
Update: drove 120 miles, and the 6.7.0H update became free. I downloaded it, loaded it onto a USB drive and plugged it in to the car: *sigh*
your update file will only work with your car, that's why you have to register the car on My Toyota. Every car has a different system ID number, so I wouldn't advise anyone else to try to update using the above zip file, at best the car will not accept it, at worst you could brick the Nav system
This is just the generic download - you still need an activation code, unfortunately. That'll probably be unique to your car.
Also, the US and European head units are different, so I wouldn't expect a European update to work on a US car at all. The OP's head unit: The equivalent US head unit: Basically, this thread is only relevant to Europe.
Great news! I've got the update installed now. Turns out it's "not compatible" with Mac. Obviously it is, since you're just dragging files to a USB drive - however Spotlight, in its wisdom, decides to add some extra hidden files to the drive and the software updater balks if they're there. Run the following command in Terminal to see a list of files: Code: find /Volumes/<YOURDRIVE> -name '.*' -type f Replace <YOURDRIVE> with the name of your USB drive. If you're happy with the listed files being deleted, run: Code: find /Volumes/<YOURDRIVE> -name '.*' -type f -delete Then eject the USB drive (I pulled it out without ejecting, to stop Spotlight doing its thing again - ymmv) and get updating. Edit: there are also some more easy to use methods here: osx - How to stop OS X from writing Spotlight and Trash files to memory cards and USB sticks? - Ask Different