I was in a park by my house riding my Segway. When I went back to my car a lady was unloading her van and her kids were running around. She asked what I was riding and I told her and she then said "I see that you are driving a Hybrid. Congratulations on that. Keep'in it green with a Hybrid and a Segway, nice job." I was very happy to hear that.
Good one Brian! It is nice to actually put some theory into action, isn't it? ... though quite different and a little off topic, it reminds me of this retold comment ... A friend of mine who drives a Honda Civic Hybrid got an amusing comment from an elderly lady who was also driving a hybrid. She said "Even if they do cost a little bit more, the smugness alone is worth it". Heh! Good for granny, driving her hybrid and feeling smug I try to avoid smugness, but then I'm not old enough to get away with it with good grace yet!
Brian, Bring your Segway to the next meeting and we can use it to see all the OC Prius cars- seems to be more every day. Hubby just talked to one owner - had since Feb and has 20,000 miles already.. whew!
Yeah, it does make me feel nice inside. I will bring it with me. That is alot of miles, can't wait to see his tread depth!!!
I like the Roomba. How does that thing work for you? The Segway does indeed fit in the back of my Prius with the back seats down, with the handle bar on, but with it off the seats can be up. But...It seems to be too heavy for cargo cover, the one that folds back and lets you into the hidden compartment. I am starting to notice a little caving in. So to fix the issue, I just pushed the Segway up more, so the handle bar hits the front seats. I also got another comment on it and my Prius today. I was down in Dana Point with my Segway and Prius, just to ride around the bay. When I got back these two bikers were across the way. One said "Keeping it Hybrid"? I thought that was pretty cool, but the Segway isn't a Hybrid, it does perform regenerative braking, though, which is so cool. I will go take some Pictures right now of the Segway in the back of my Prius.
Roomba works fairly well even though we have 2 dogs. I still use the central vacuum once a week or so. Do you use your segway for transportation or fun? I didn't realize it had regenerative braking. Interesting fact.
I use my Segway mostly for fun, but I have used it to commute. The problem is, is I live half way up a hill, going to the market would be fine, but getting back would be bad. I recently have just taken my Prius to a parking lot around all the places I want to go on my Segway and just park it and leave it. There is a hitch coming out for the Segway and it works with a 2" hitch. So i am going to get Coastal Tech's receiver hitch and it will work great on that. I did go and take pictures just now.
Yes, somebody has to put up with 360 days of sunshine....on the West Coast in sunny southern California. Grin. And Brian gets to enjoy a summer off from school!