For anyone with potential interest in the "God's Not Dead" films, the Prius C gets a good plug. In the first film, a plot point involved a minister who couldn't get his hands on a reliable car. In this new film, he's back, and is pleased to mention that his car problems are behind him, because he's now got a Prius (actually a Prius C). Except, as luck (or perhaps act of God) would have it, he runs into some difficulty accessing his car. It's always something... Here's a video clip showing a glimpse of the car:
There are better views of it in the film, but they weren't in the "dramatic" scenes that end up in previews or promotional shots. Unless I'm mistaken, it's a C. And I recall another C of a different color, used by a different character. Maybe they made a deal with the local Toyota dealer to get resources for plugs. That's the way it works in the media business; you scratch my back and I scratch yours.