I have a 2008 touring ed Prius. I recently noticed that my left front headlight and fog light are not working. (It's a constant issue, not intermittent.) The right lights work perfectly. The fog light cover has a crack and I see rust around a screw just under the lamp. Could this just be a blown fuse? (Do they share a fuse? If it was a fuse, wouldn't both headlights or both foglights be out?) Perhaps the ballast? Or just a crazy coincidence to have both lamps go out at the same time? I'd love to find a DIY fix for this so I can avoid forking out large sums right now. I've search the forums for help with this, but haven't found any that are quite what I need. (I could do basic stuff, like changing the lamps or a fuse. I might be able to replace the whole light assembly myself - although these two have separate assemblies. I couldn't do the ballast on my own.) Any ideas or advice would be much appreciated!
i have had my headlights go out about three times now and had to be replaced. I don't know the issue they keep telling me that I leave them on all the time. i have a 2006 and 2010 and both had to have headlights replaced more than usual. it is not a fuse. replace the bulbs first. very important never use a higher wattage replace with the same as you have now. otherwise they will burn out quick as I tried a higher wattage on the headlights they burned out one moth after they were installed
Sorry I didn't reply/update sooner! Just discovered that the notifications are getting caught in my spam filter at my domain host. Urgh... No work had been done recently, but I still got in and wiggled all the wires. In an effort to avoid having to spend lots of money or replace something drastic, I decided to just try replacing one bulb and see if the bulbs just happened to burn out at the exact same time. I'll be darned, that's exactly what happened! So I'll be replacing that DRL next. Sadly, *this* is the sort of luck I have. Strange, useless, and no financial windfall. Just plain weird. Thanks, all.