We bought a used 2013 PriusC a few months ago. I was very hesitant about making the "Hybrid" switch, but my wife was stuck on a PriusC. So far, we have been POSITIVELY shocked at the MPG numbers we are seeing. We did slightly adjust our driving habits after a week or so, but so far we are very happy with the purchase. We have been talking about doing a oil and filter change, since we are not aware of when oil was last officially changed (only paper records). The dealer claimed they changed it, but I just feel more comfortable knowing it. I normally do all the maintenance on our cars, but have been too busy. Due to this, the wife setup an appointment to have the oil changed and tires rotated after the "Maintenance Soon" icon came up on screen. Car currently has around 65,000. We have put about 5,000 on it since we bought it, and its been a joy to drive. Is there any particular things I should have them do while its in the shop? To be honest, I know numerous things are listed in the manual, but I have not even got to read through it yet (which is why the wife's taking it to the local dealer ship). Sadly we don't have a Toyota dealership in the area, so we are using a trusted Ford Dealership that we have used for many years.
Your last couple of sentences scare me. I wouldn't doubt there you'll be getting a call from your wife (cue sounds of air tools in the background), something along the lines of "they're saying we need a complete..., and a flush of the...", and there's something dripping from...". Well maybe. The "around 65,000" maintenance is basically..., nothing. Well, rotate the tires. Do you know anything about it's service history? Things that might have been neglected, maybe not done by a Toyota dealership? Two that come to mind are transaxle fluid change, and brake fluid change. Research both before jumping in. For sure DON'T send your wife to a Ford dealership with suggestion to ask them for a transaxle fluid change: the fluid used is (proprietary) Toyota ATF-WS. Further: even a lot of Toyota dealerships will give you a royal run-around on this one, it is not on the schedule, but is worthwhile. Bottom line, do your homework, read up here and around the net, take your time, save yourself some grief.
Obviously NOT familiar with your area. BUT.... I'd hope your Ford Dealership could handle the basic maintenance on a Prius, since they sell Hybrids of their own, I'd hope the simple things like a oil change and/or tire rotations wouldn't be a problem. Have you investigated any possible closer independent Hybrid repair shops? Not that you would have to immediately make the switch, or possibly ever... But with the absence of a Toyota Dealership, I'd want to at least be aware of a specialized hybrid repair and diagnostic option that I could use if needed. I think changing the oil is a perfectly OK thing to do. It's YOUR new to you vehicle, and it would make me feel better to be absolutely sure of it's latest Oil Change. Starting the maintenance history YOU know about ASAP. Plus an Oil Change shouldn't cost that much. IMO it's good maintenance and protection for minimal investment. So even if you are pouring new oil in, after perfectly good oil? Well hopefully the environment will forgive you this one time transgression.
10-4. I fell very confident in the local Ford Dealer, they have done oil changes and simple maintenance many times for us over the years when I was too busy to handle it myself. At this point in time, they are only doing a oil change and tire rotation, which I am sure will not be an issue. I do have alot the records from the previous owner, and they was performed at the nearest Toyota dealer (which is a little over 1 hour away). I have had 3 bad experiences with this Toyota repair shop over the last 6 months with my wife's other car, so I am not feeling confident in their shop with the current management. Not saying their a bad shop, I just personally feel their shop has some quality control issues that need to be worked on. I plan on doing most of my maintenance, once life slows down enough for me to do some reading on the Prius. We do have a local hybrid/import shop a few miles from my house which has been highly recommended be a few fellow hybrid owners, but I personally have not worked with them. At this point I dont feel there are any issues I need to worry about, but more or less just making sure I am not overlooking something major (maintenance related).
the local ford dealers often have a deal called "the works" which includes oil and filter change, tire rotation, fill all fluids, amd multi point inspection. $39 and then a $10 rebate. The cabin air and engine air filters are super easy. Videos on youtube. There's not much else to do. Remember that the oil is ful synthetic every 10k miles. You might have to pay a few $ more for that rather than motocraft synthetic blend.
Toyota 0W20 costs $5.91 per bottled liter at our local dealership parts department, and bringing my own container, I'm charged $4.50 per liter for bulk.