Google search says California vehicle license plates have been manufactured since the 1930s at the infamous Folsom State Prison. Opened in 1880. Definitely not a pleasant place! I'll be patient.
The Queen's western empire! Auto insurance in BC is a public entity. They also sponsored the red light camera program.
Do dealers still practice this? I know years ago this was the norm, but seriously it defaces the car. I bought my Prius used at a Subaru dealership so there's a Subaru dealership sticker in the back. To be honest, I don't even notice it anymore, sorta blends in with the rest of the design.
Mine has an attractive raised plastic sticker and looks fine. It is the pink tag frame that is coming off. I don't mind an attractive tag frame "Prius Touring 2016 for example and the dealer's name", in red, black or silver. I would leave that on the car.
I've not had the problem, but because I know dealerships like to do this, it's always prudent to ask before delivery if they will use a plain one. They should never put advertising on your vehicle without your permission or refuse to remove it upon your request.
There was a plate frame on the back of my car at purchase. I took my existing license plate off my 2008 trade-in, flipped the plastic advertising frame around with advertising facing inward, stuck the license plate back into the frame, and bolted it back on. It lines the plate nicely and prevents vibration abrasions, if there were ever going to be any. No advertising.
I take it one step further and refuse delivery if my car says Toyota anywhere or has their logo. How dare a business advertise a product I purchased from them.
We've got this on our hatch lid. Could live without it, but kinda tasteful, anyhoo. It's individual letters.
After pricing was settled, I told the dealer not to install any dealer sticker and/or license plate on the car (car did not have any sticker) and because I was saving plastic and man power installing them some amount discount should be provided. The answer I got is "sorry, there is no discount because was included", then I told them "sorry, I go now after spending few hours with you". As I was leaving, he approached me and told me that he will discount $5, I told him why did you just tell me and had to go thru this exercise, sales person answer was that he did not like that I was "nickel and dime" him. My counter answer was "bring your manager and lets talk about your answer on nickel and dime". To make answer short, manager gave me $200 towards the settled price and apologized for the incident.
I am in California! It took about 5 weeks from the day I got my Prius for it to come in the mail to my house....I was actually surprised it was so quick!
Thanks, Ana. I better check with my dealer again tomorrow. Either they screwed up, or a thief stole the plates from my porch.
The US is the high security nation of the world. I don't get it: new car owners wait weeks for car license plates. That come through the mail and get dropped on yr porch. And yr money looks like it came from a Monopoly game, lol.