I travel alot and would hate to lose my FOB an not be able to start the car if I lose it. Is it possible to carry a spare FOB without the battery installed just in case you need it? I am not sure if it will hold the programming if there is a long period without the battery in it. Thanks
It should be fine. I have never heard of these fobs using volatile memory that requires a battery to keep the needed information. They use non-volatile memory (flash these days, or maybe fusible links in the older days).
Check this thread out. [Info Summary] Lexus Credit Card Smart Key | PriusChat I have one in my wallet and I love it! I don't carry my keys anymore.
Hi! I made that post Would you mind telling me your original key's FCC-ID and your credit card key's FCC-ID so I can add it to the known compatibilities list?
I bought the same thing that was recommended in the post. Lexus HYQ14AEB for my Prius's HYQ14ACX remote.