I have a 2013 Prius. I've removed the silvery plastic wheel covers off to reveal the black wheels. I want to buy the small discs to fill in the center gap. I see inexpensive ones on ebay, amazon and the like, and they are listed as different sizes. I am picking from only those that say they fit the 2013 Prius. Some say 55mm diameter. Some say 57mm. Some say 60mm. Some 65. Is there really only one size and these different specs are just measuring in a different way OR are there really different size stock wheels that would have different center caps?
Right. Don't confuse the outer diameter of the cap with the inside diameter of the hole it has to fit.
Yeah I suspect when they describe the caps the OD they state is the OD, at the outside face, not the (more critical diameter at the jaws. Kind of like Home Depot product dimensions, which are essentially the product's package dimensions. Useful to shippers I guess.
Yeah, like when I looked on Amazon for push-pins for the engine under-panel. In some cases, they specify the dimensions of a box full of them, but keep the nominal diameter of the push-pins secret. Lowes and Home Depot stock fine wheel center caps for 2010-11 Prii hidden in their electrical supplies sections. I like the ones at Lowes slighty better, but they're more expensive, at about $1.50 apiece the last time I checked.
For the Corolla steel rims I employ with snow tires, 2" ABS end caps are near perfect. A little loose but workable with bicycle inner tube "rubber band" to fill the clearance. Hung in there all last winter.
Hello, what size are those caps? I have the same wheels, but they did not come with any center caps, so just a rusty looking cotter pin is visible... Thanks!
They are factory inserts that I bought from Toyota. They come all chromed. I painted mine black and then removed the paint on all the reliefs to expose the Toyota logo and perimeter. They are readily available at any dealer for a price. They are designed to fit the wheel center which is 54.1mm.
I got mine off eBay. I prefer BZzap's look but that's too much work for me. I just spray painted black and got some black lug covers.