I haven't checked any of this for facts....just found it interesting. Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry was born in Mozambique, the daughter of a Portuguese physician, and was educated in Switzerland and South Africa. Fluent in five languages, she was working as a United Nations interpreter in Geneva in the mid-60's when she met a handsome young American H. John Heinz, III, who worked at a bank in Geneva. He told her his family was "in the food business." They were married in 1966 and returned to Pittsburgh where his family ran the giant H.J. Heinz food company. He was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1971, and in 1976 he was elected to the first of three terms in the United States Senate. Several years later, in 1991, he was killed when his plane collided with a Sun Oil Company helicopter over a Philadelphia suburb the while traveling between Philadelphia and Washington, DC. The senator, his pilot and co-pilot and both of Sun's helicopter pilots were killed. He was survived by his wife, Teresa, and their three young sons. Four years later, after inheriting Heinz's $500 million fortune, she married Senator John Forbes Kerry, the liberal junior senator from Massachusetts. She became a registered Democrat and the process of her radicalization was set in motion. Heinz Kerry is not shy about telling people that she required Kerry to sign a pre-nuptial agreement before they were married. John Kerry may not have check-writing privileges on the Heinz catsup and pickle fortune, but he is certainly a willing and uncomplaining beneficiary of it. A lot of hard-earned money, made through many years of hawking catsup, pickles, and soup, has fallen into the hands of two people who despise successful entrepreneurship and who believe in the confiscatory redistribution of wealth. So how does Mrs. Heinz Kerry spend John Heinz's money? Just one example According to the G2 Bulletin, an on-line intelligence newsletter of WorldNetDaily, in the years between 1995-2001 she gave more than $4 million to an organization called the Tides Foundation. And what does the Tides Foundation do with John Heinz's money? They support numerous anti-war groups, including Ramsey Clark's International Action Center. Clark has offered to defend Saddam Hussein when he's tried. They support the Democratic Justice Fund, a joint venture of the Tides Foundation and billionaire hate-monger George Soros. The Democratic Justice Fund seeks to ease restrictions on Muslim immigration from "terrorist" states. They support the Council for American-Islamic Relations, whose leaders are known to have close ties to the terrorist group, Hamas. They support the National Lawyers Guild, organized as a communist front during the Cold War era. One of their attorneys, Lynne Stewart, has been arrested for helping a client, Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, communicate with terror cells in Egypt. He is the convicted mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. They support Planned Parenthood, the National Abortion Rights Action League, and the Abortion Action Project. They support the most violent of all homosexual action groups, ACT-UP. They support the "Barrio Warriors," a radical Hispanic group whose primary goal is to return all of Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas to Mexico. These are but a few of the radical groups that benefit, through the anonymity provided by the Tides Foundation, from the generosity of our would-be first lady - the wealthy widow of Republican senator John Heinz, and now the wife of the Democratic senator who aspires to be the 44th President of the United States. If voters will only try to imagine a woman such as Teresa Heinz Kerry, the fairy godmother of the radical left, laying her head on a pillow each night just inches from the President of the United States, hopefully they will decide that the only way these two will ever be allowed into the White House is with an engraved invitation in hand.
So your suggestion is that she's a pro-terrorism, pro-communist, baby killing, gangster supporter? This kind of propaganda makes me ill. Although there may, indeed, be a couple of causes supported through the huge 'CHARITABLE' (i.e. they don't have to give money to anyone, it's a good deed) donations, the implication that she's a communism/muslim terrorism supporter is ludicrous. As regards the support for gay rights and abortion rights...I say--Awesome.
And the Bush family has no such ties??? Oil, the Military Industrial Complex, just to name the most blatant.
As of right now Teresa Heinz-Kerry is acting as a high-profile private citizen. She is not running for president herself; I fail to see how what she does with her money affects what Sen. Kerry will do in office.
EG, Don't you see, she'll whisper subconscious messages in Kerry's ear as he sleeps! Before you know it we'll all be yelling Heil Hitler and running around chasing pregnant women with our coat-hangers! Chaos and anarchy loom large if Kerry gets in office.....makes me pray for the stability, rationality, and brilliance of the Bush regime. Hey, Henny Penny, the sky is falling too!!
well, it's in the 'house of pancakes' section at least... as for the rest, yes, it's a bunch of propaganda/BS... more conservative 'anti-commie pinko fag' talk
I don't want to speak for Atoyot, but I believe that he posted this because he read it from another source and found it interesting enough to post here for discussion. I don't believe we should burn him at the stake for posting this when we're not sure if it's his POV or not. But again, I'm just hypothesizing here.
Strictly speaking, if they're accusing her of being a Commie, then it should be more along the lines of "Heil Marx" or "Heil Lenin." Communism and Fascism are diametrically opposed.
That's what some people said when the first character assasination posts began here. They just targeted a different side of the political spectrum. Those were deemed to be ok. There isn't anything in here that hasn't been said about other public figures on these boards before, to the cheers of a number of folks, so I'm not sure why this particular one would surprise anyone. When you accept that level of 'debate' in one instance, it's kind of hard to claim shock and outrage the next day.
Good point. Yet, I'm not sure about ketchup in the pancake section. That just seems wrong somehow. I mean, Log Cabin, Mrs. Butterworth's, sure, but Heinz? ukeleft:
I'm not surprised at all. The far right wing organizations that are working to give the Bush Administration another four years are pulling all stops. They're starting to panic. Now that they finally have power after all those years of tolerating moderates like most of us, they're not about to just roll over and die. They will go down kicking, screaming, scratching, and committing every dirty trick imaginable until they are finally dispatched with. Just wait and see what these kinds of postings start looking like as we approach that November election day cut-off date. Signed, A moderate Republican who will, for the first time in decades, vote the Democrat ticket.
The response from the Tides Foundation: [web:aae594f87d]http://www.tidesfoundation.org/press_rel_04.cfm[/web:aae594f87d]
Given the topic, I think its fair to point out that Laura Bush supports her husband's position on stem cell research, despite the fact that her own father died of Alzheimer's. Of course, its still open to debate whether stem cell research would lead to a cure of Alzheimer's, but its still pretty sad to see her blithely supporting her husband. As his better half, she should be trying to make him a better President.
THK Am 49 and will, for the first time, vote Democratic. John McCain can you hear us? Can you rise to a greatness greater than oneself? Signed: A Progressive Republican
I couldn't have said it better myself, Tempus. The only reason I can think of that such a post on PC should be surprising is that Green Conservatives are about as rare as Pro-Life Liberals. It's not impossible but it's darn rare. It seems to be the American way to choose sides and lob mortars across enemy lines -- ever since the Civil War (and yes slavery was clearly wrong but there was much more to it than that). At least we haven't yet sunk to the level of British Parliament with dozens of parties screaming at each other.
Well, God bless her. The active, intelligent Mrs. Kerry has the gumption to take a stand on things! Mrs. Bush is the most boring, unintelligent, uninspiring First Lady since Mamie Eisenhower. My goodness, her claim to fame is her time as a librarian - obvoiusly in charge of keeping poeple quiet - a trait her hubby has also tried to master. In my opinion, John Kerry needs to show a bit of the same fire that resides in his wife. Exhibit some life and conviction. I will NEVER support Bush as I view the man as unsuited for the position he is in and some of his policies (Patriot Act) smack of fascism and dictatorial control.
Thanks for the update. It looks like we had ourselves a little witch hunt. I hate that all politicians (are those who run the campaigns) indulge in these little exercises. There are usually plenty of genuine distinctions between candidates without resorting to smears. I like Vote Smart for getting to the heart of the issues. I just wish more local candidates filled out the surveys.