This is a simple poll to see what color everybody is getting. Please feel free to add comments. I have a Blizzard Pearl. It looks really nice but is so hard to keep clean. I was thinking about going with the blue. Now I think maybe I should have chosen the black, although I haven't seen a black one. I listed Sea Glass Pearl as Sea Glass Metallic by mistake... I can't edit the poll. April 30 update: Blizzard Pearl is now winning: 14 votes. Hypersonic Red is next with 12. We need more data. All gen 4 Prius owners please answer the poll and leave a response describing why you chose your color and whether you are happy with it.
Apparently someone else at my work liked the Magnetic Grey so much they copied me. Glad I kept the pinstripes on mine. iPhone ?
I've have not yet seen another 2016 on the road.I wish Toyota would offer it in a beautiful dark green. Why is dark green so unpopular here? I thought the baby crap green they had for the 2006 was hideous (sorry if I've offended anyone who chose that!).
I love my black one because all the black plastic pieces blend in making it one slick machine. BUT keeping it clean is difficult, and it shows scratches and swirls meaning a lot more detailing. Using Beyond Clay is a must with this car! Surf City Garage - Paint Polish | Paint Cleanser | Hand Polish
Yes, black is very hard to keep clean but when it is clean and polished, it looks beautiful. Please post a picture (when clean).
Black is MUCH worse to keep clean than white! MUCH MUCH MUCH WORSE. I love the color but hate to wash it every week
Prius 3 Touring Hypersonic Red with Moonstone interior. Ordered mine and had it pinstriped. Also owned a 2009 Silver Prius 2 And owned a 2012 Winter Grey Prius 2
Every week? I would have to wash the white everyday to keep it clean but I don't have the time! I drive a lot and get a lot of bugs etc. on the bumper, which all show up. If it rains, it gets really dirty (subject of another thread).
Blizzard Pearl of course!!! Took this photo about an hour ago. It pulled just fine in the dense wet snow, even even though the snow was deeper than the belly pan by an inch or two. Ah spring time at 9000 feet.
My daughter and her husband live in Denver but they are in Europe right now. I guess they have this to look forward to!
Bowerda47, where are you in Michigan???? My local dealership in Lansing has only sold a dozen or so 2016's, but I have yet to see one on the road....