A few days ago after returning from a trip to Detroit my wife backed the car out of the driveway and we heard a loud high pitched squeal the whole time we were in reverse. It almost sounds like a weeee noise or a buzzer of some kind. She says that occasionally while driving with the window down she has heard additional noises. As if the car is trying hard. She said today when she pulled into the garage she heard the a similar noise while stopping. Now, this noise is nothing I've ever heard before on any car. It isn't like a normal brake squeal or anything like that... it's completely different... I've searched the site for other examples and the closest one I can find is this... Strange squealing and braking noise, primarily in reverse | PriusChat Any help you guys can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Could this be a malfunctioning of the "rattle" part? (It makes the low speed proximity warning sound)
This is only in reverse? Assuming you haven't got a floor jack or a lot of tools, something you could try: put (real, decent quality) tire chocks on both faces of a front tire, release the parking brake, raise the diagonally opposite rear corner with the scissor jack, and rotate the raised wheel, both directions. Check for noise, and excess drag. You could also remove that wheel (loosen lug nuts slightly beforehand, while car is still on the ground), check pad thickness and rotor condition. Then repeat the exercise with the other side.
Does the Prius have wear indicators on the pads? All my cars are checked -- so I never get to that point. Two other things can happen. I have had both what looked to be a piece of paper clip and an actual metallic part of a pad make noise against the rotor. The paper clip was particularly strange.
My wife told me today that apparently the noise has stopped since this morning. We had our brakes replaced about a year and a half ago so I don't think it could be anything that has to do with that... but who knows. If I hear it again, I'll try to record it for you guys. It could have been something weather related... it was really cold in Michigan and suddenly got warm? I can't see how that would cause any issue but again, who knows. Lastly, the weee noise didn't sound like traditional brake noise. It sounded more like an electric sound rather than a grind... does that make sense? I'm not a car guy by any means but I know my noises and this was not something I've heard before. Then again, most things you hear in a Prius isn't something you'd hear in a normal car.