Does anyone have any recommendations for cleaning the Softex seats? Something that keeps them clean, but doesn't leave any residue that will transfer to clothing?
My '13 came with a little kit from Toyota that included an interior spray cleaner. Works and smells great!
In for the answer. I believe the "official" line is warm water only. Some have said water with a little Woollite (sp). Other says name brand leather conditioners like McGuires or Lexol (sp). Then above is mentioned a Toyota interior spray. My concern is discoloring with leather conditioners especially with a beige Softex. I am unsure how an interior detail spray (like 303) would work as these are mostly for hard plastics and vinyl.. I would like to prevent any wrinkling and then cracking such as occurs with real leather. Again looking for a proven, utilized by a co-member long-term technique and answer. For now I think water is the only safe technique to keep it clean.
From the manual page 574: Cleaning the synthetic leather areas ● Remove loose dirt using a vacuum cleaner. ● Apply a mild soap solution to the synthetic leather using a sponge or soft cloth. ● Allow the solution to soak in for a few minutes. Remove the dirt and wipe off the solution with a clean, damp cloth. Lou
Be careful using anything harsh. On my 2015 PIP my toll road transponder fell off the windshield on a hot day and landed on my drivers seat leaving glue from the velcro strip. I couldn't get the glue off and decided to try Goo-gone. It took the finish right off the Softex leaving a forever glossy spot to stare at whenever I got into the car.
Used ArmorAll all my life with no issues (try the natural look). Just wipe off the excess and the dirt comes off with it. Do not get any on the dash clear plastic as it will cloud the lense in the hot sun. It is vinyl folks. Wish it was leather. Natural Finish Detailer Protectant, Cleaner | Armor All