Aux Box installation questions

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by ChuX, May 16, 2006.

  1. ChuX

    ChuX New Member

    Sep 28, 2004
    I was searching this site for some answers regarding the Aux Box installation. When I removed the left passenger vent, I could reach the aux input but it's a tight squeeze. I have no leverage to push the connector in. The white box with all the wires attached to it blocks the way. Would loosening the screw on top of that white box allow me to move the box aside?

    My second question is, tothose who installed the Aux Box, did you leave the aux box dangling or did you attach the Aux Box to something so it won't move around?

    From the looks of it, I might make a small indentation in the plastic to allow the cable through. Is there anyway to run the wire out without using tools to make room for it? From what I can see, I guess I can reattach the airvent cover over the cable.
  2. Presto

    Presto Has his homepage set to PC

    Mar 27, 2005
    Vancouver, BC
    2005 Prius
    You'll have to pull the whole dash apart to get at the connector.

    1. Pull off the left driver vent
    2. unscrew the two screws for the bottom trim
    3. pull off bottom trim from the top part of the dash
    4. remove right driver vent
    5. remove the 2 bolts on each side of the mfd
    6. pull out the MFD by giving it a firm pull.
    6. unscrew screws holding in the storage bin
    7. remove storage bin by pulling it down
    8. remove the 4 bolts holding in the stereo
    9. pull out stereo
    10. hook up AUX box and put everything back together again

    Unfortunately, this is the best way to get at the back of the stereo. It's a little bit daunting the first time, but after a few dozen times of pulling the dash apart, I can rip it apart right down to removing the stereo in less than 1 min.

  3. ChuX

    ChuX New Member

    Sep 28, 2004
    Guess I should do it a few times to get used to it before I order the parts. I already tried and was successful at removing the left passenger vent. Time to go for the rest of the dash.

    Thanks Presto.
  4. hawkjm73

    hawkjm73 New Member

    Apr 19, 2005
    Phoenix, Arizona
    Actually, you don't have to take the whole thing apart for the auxbox.

    Remove right passenger vent.
    Remove lower glovebox.
    Remove left passenger vent.
    Remove screw from the top of the white plastic box that is in your way now.
    Gently pull lower part of white box toward you. It has a friction pin at the bottom.
    Push box to the right to get it out of the way. Its a real tight fit, so use care.
    Reach in behind the radio to find the port to plug into.

    The wires coming from my white box have a big zip tie aroung them positioned in just such a way to tear up my arm when I reach for the back of the radio. Be on the lookout for that and use a cloth to protect our arm if needed. I secured the aux box just under the big metal brace that runs behind the glove box. Zip ties would probably be best, but I just used electrical tape. I didn't have a rattles from it.

    You can run audio cables out from the box without dash deformation if you pass them down near the dash power outlet. You can pull the plastic piece that wraps around the lower center of the dash if you pop the plastic fastener from the right-hand side of it first. The fastener pulls straight out, then the lager piece pulls off. This will give you a good view of where to pass the cables. You can also run the cables under the carpet here and pull them up inside the center console. It takes a good bit of work to get them threaded under there, though.

    Good luck!