wondering if there is a good hands free iPhone 6 Plus holder for a 2016 Prius liftback? I'm worried about getting ticketed by overzealous California Highway Payroll (CHP). I mean Patrol? For talking on the phone, and holding the phone while driving. The CHP likes ticketing for this, much safer than going after criminals.
I used one from these guys: Koomus - Smartphone Mounts for Car Bike Outdoor Activity The one I got is the magnetic one that attaches to the CD slot. Unfortunately view of the backup camera is partly blocked if the iPhone is on it.
Macally MCUPMP Adjustable Automobile Cup Holder for iPhone, iPod, Smartphones, MP3 It does use up one of the cup holders, but it puts the phone in a great position.
I use the Spigen magnetic airvent mount that costs about $7 on Amazon. It works great! I found the cd slot mount I ordered blocked the lcd display. I a metal plate on the inside of my incpio case and the outside of my seidio obex waterproof case. It's very secure and well placed.
Koomus has several mounting varieties. What is the preferred mounting style for a gen4 model 3-4 to avoid any obstructions.
I ordered this one online: Pro CD-Slot - M | Magnetic Cradle-less Smartphone Car Mount When I placed the order, I wasn't thinking about obstructing the screen. It turns out to be easy to just remove the phone if I need to check the backup camera. It seemed to me that the air vent mounts would obstruct airflow and might risk heating up the phone. I thought that the dashboard mount might place my iPhone6 where it would obstruct my view out the windshield (and an iPhone6+ is even bigger!). You can judge by the photos on the website where each will place the iPhone. I'm assuming that Models 3 & 4 have a CD slot?
FWIW...that CD holder "scares" me. Stress from phone vibrating as the car travels over bumps could scratch/ crack the radio face plate. Mount seems to keep the CD dust shield open allowing dust/ dirt to enter the radio's electronics and CD reader lens. For my peace of mind I would use the cup holder mount. Or let my lovely passenger deal with the telephone while I drive.
I think the air vent mount keeps in a great position when you use the navigation. You don't have to look to far off the road. I haven't experienced any problem with temperature and the air vent. I think that hot for electronics is a much higher temperature than any cabin temperature and any air flow would likely cool an electronic device that is way too hot. I reiterate that the cd mount I ordered which was techmatte, really blocked the lcd display on my vehicle. I'm not sure if different models have different positioning, but I wouldn't recommend that mount.
Thanks. I just ordered this from Amazon and will be using it in a couple days. I have an iPhone 6s I thought about mounting it higher up (CD mount or vent mount) but decided against that. There are some disadvantages that many of you have already mentioned: Partial blocking of the screen for backup camera Blocking of airflow from the vents Unattractive dangling cord if the iPhone is plugged in for charging or USB audio/apps I don't mind giving up a cupholder and the phone is within hand's reach if I need to touch it for anything.
Such accurate descriptions of the down sides of cd slot mount lol. I guess I've adapted to them and am able to over look now.
There are downsides no matter where you mount it. None are perfect, you just have to figure out what works best for you.
I surprises me that the car industry hasn't decided on a semi-standard way to attach a phone mount in cars. It's almost like they're pretending that it's still the 90's and cell phones don't exist. There should be a standard mounting point somewhere on the dash with an industry standard connector, so you can buy a mount compatible with your phone. Then we can do away with all the suction cup, air vent, and CD slot silliness.