Anyone watching? I had no idea the series was even on until I stumbled across a few days ago. More info and ep list on the right side of The Sixties - I'm not interested in all the subjects but I did watch The Space Race ep. There are some older eps that I'm interested in and hope they'll be rerun. I wasn't born yet during those times but have always been somewhat interested in that time period. I started a discussion thread on the show at The Sixties on CNN - TiVo Community.
Nobody cares? I just noticed today that this series is available on Netflix streaming. I posted about some eps I really liked at The Sixties on CNN - Page 2 - TiVo Community.
I'm so bummed to hear you did not live it with us. Pirates beat the Yankees in 1960 and the rest is history. It was real crazy times...remember as a kid nuclear attack drills in school.
Indeed. I did not. I couldn't care less about baseball but yeah, it sounded like the 60s were interesting times w/JFK, the Cold War almost becoming a very hot one, moon landing, peace movement, civil rights movement, etc.
Yes I loved the NASA flights on TV and they always did a good job assigning priority to getting TV pictures. When they captured the lift-off of the LEM from the moon on TV camera, that was over the top at the time.
the only thing i remember was asking my parents if i could stay up and watch the beatles on ed sullivan. the rest is a blur.
I remember all the sitcoms and great cartoons on tv. We finally got a color tv in '68, and life as a kid was fantastic.
If I can veer a bit, there's a couple of Ken Burns PBS series definitely worth watching, one about WW2, the other on the US Civil War. The latter is a real eye opener, gives a glimpse into the US soul, at least for me. They're on Netflix, and maybe on YouTube?
Well, you know what they say about the 60's, if you remember it you were not really there. Wish I remember a few of the Grateful Dead concerts in the Bay Area...supposedly, they were very good. Three things I do remember vividly: JFK's assassination and being left out of school at mid-day among a crowd of crying teachers. RFK's assassination and getting together to mourn with people I normally would not even say hello to. Finally, being at a California Angels/Oakland A's Doubleheader (with the infamous Reggie Jackson) and having them stop the game to announce the moon landing. Also being able to tell WHICH homes had color TV by looking at the antennas on the roofs....