I thought some of you might find this "John Kerry Gas Tax Calculator" I found on the Bush/Cheney website entertaining (I did!) http://www.georgewbush.com/Calculator/Default.aspx For even more fun, I emailed Bush the following: "I would just like to let you know that I enjoyed your Gas Tax Calculator. I drive a 2004 Toyota Prius about 500 miles a week and once John Kerry is elected I will pay an additional $237.01 per year for my gas. I really don't mind. In fact, it seems a very small price to pay in comparison to those who have died and continue to die in Iraq and elsewhere in the middle east defending our oil interests. And I know it's a very small sacrifice compared to what most of my republican acquaintances will pay to fuel up their obnoxious gas guzzling largely unnecessary SUV's. It's high time we paid a little bit more for gas and perhaps inspired people to buy cars that are both more fuel efficient less polluting. Bring on the gas tax!" I forgot to mention that in reality, I really wouldn't mind paying Manny $237.01 per year to rip out my toenails to make sure Bush is out of office.
Sounds like another 'order up' for Fred's House of Pancakes! PS - I'd gladly pay that extra $200 a year as well! -m.
I thought maybe it should go there, but wasn't sure . Gas mileage, gas tax...some relevance to the Prius? I guess not but I was kinda tired when I posted. Sorry!
I made the first cash contribution to a political campaign in my life this spring. Well, it was actually by proxy: I had my winnings from a Super Bowl pool sent to Wes Clark's campaign. I'm probably going to give to Kerry sometime this week, on top of sending an email to everyone I know asking them to send $5 or $10. If you want to donate to Kerry, you've basically got 4 weeks to do it. After the Dem Convention, he can't use private donations anymore.
If you give today before midnight, it'll fall under their final filing with the FEC before the convention. As of just a few minutes ago, they're up to 3,244 donations, and they want to double it - 10 donations for each of Bush's 642 Pioneers & Rangers. Give today if you get a chance! -m.
Sorry, but both Kerry AND Bush are discraces to the political system. Neither one are worthy of receiving one red cent of my hard earned money - especially voluntarily.