Maybe some of you have experience with the Rosen NAV units. I am considering one for my brother's 2013 Camry as he asked me to help him upgrade the touch-screen radio his car currently has. I found this Rosen unit for about $750, but wondered if it's going to give him trouble in the future: Car Show CS-CAMR12-US 7" Touchscreen Car Stereo for 2012-13 Toyota Camry If you have a similar unit or any Rosen NAV unit, could you preface your replies with a 0 thru 5 rating where 5 is the best. Any comments would be helpful too. Thanks!
I have some experience with Rosen, I used to work the parts counter at a local GM dealer and we used to purchase their headrest and flip down DVD units, I can say that we were constantly exchanging bad units with them. I don't know the quality on their in dash units though.