What about those who do both... me planning to get a Prime and the wife planning to get a Model 3 ? Much of the head-butting comes about simply due to approach & scope. There's a terrible attitude toward being mutually exclusive. That natural instinct to simplify ends up causing polarization. So, we have to be very careful about generalizations and focus instead on purpose. Notice how very different a response can be based upon buyer. If it's a specific person, the goal & outcome will tend to be very different from considering a group of people or an entire market.
agreed - and if anyone took umbrage by me finding the genII PIP a disappointment in some regards - know that it won't stop us from considering it. Heck our 04 pri is not perfect - but as with much in life, there are tradeoffs. .
On topic, I reserved online before reveal, then sent them an email a couple of days later to ask how exactly one goes about cancelling a reservation, since I wanted a hatch. No answer so far, which is just as well, since I've decided to let it ride for now. They don't seem to make it easy. Based on third party reports, you can either send them an email cancellation, with your reservation number, or go to one of their storefronts and let them help you. Did everyone else get both their confirmation email and the 2nd followup email with this little gem: "We're currently increasing our production plans to minimize the wait for your Model 3."
Estimates are, the wait list will go to ½ million, which is nuts! Odds are, that at that junction, Tesla would close the list ... maybe if/when, or as some reservation holders get buyer's /depositer's remorse, some others can get to be added on. Sort of a wait list, to get on the wait list. .
Gulp. ggood, I'm not sure where I read it, but there was some correspondence from Tesla regarding how they will likely provide a cancellation option from within your My Tesla account portal in the (hopefully near) future.
No worries. Don't want to cancel now anyway, and I have a Tesla store nearby. Does seem a little inconsistent with their customer friendly image not to make it easier.
Btw, has anyone ever figured out what the reservation numbers mean? I reserved during the reveal and mine is
Well, having the Leaf for the last 6 months, I am really sold on all electric! I have less than 40k on the mortgage! Yay, money for new car. The Model 3 is going to be it! I don't need to order now, but I will have my 3! BTW, this Leaf I bought really rocks, quick, fun, solid, nice! I just laff at gas stations! I will be ready for a "3" in 3!
Tesla recommends not sharing your reservation number. You may want to mask that. Best people can figure, it is an internal tracking number. They are not in any sort of order.
Keep in mind they expected a river and got a tsunami. There are a lot more e-mails, tweets, calls and whatnot flooding whatever Tesla folks are manning the computers.
There aren't that many 2x2's now that the FCC dummy'd down licenses ... no mor advanced ... no more CW ... you could always get a vanity ham plate .... how'bout ne1dX ? Kind of an double entendre.
Hi Hill, I am an Extra Class as July 4th! You are right 2 X 2 are not common, that's why I am keeping it. As far as plates go ...
Regarding the Supercharger network - Just found out some of the latest regarding the 400,000 or so folks patiently waiting in the Model 3 line. The dialogue here in this thread often revolved around the model 3 being super charger "equiped" - and what that means versus super charger "capable". Tesla to introduce new ‘Supercharger Credit’ system to reduce entry price of Model S & X | Electrek The folks who hacked the Tesla code regarding the 100kWh traction pack were right on, so it's likely the public has just gotten a whiff of what's to be expected. .
I don't think anyone reserving a Model 3 expected Supercharging to be included for free with the price of the car. The question remains whether it will be a flat fee (like it was on the original Model S 60), or if there will be a cost per charge. There's still a long time before the Model 3 actually arrives anyways.
I'm fine with both options. Prefer the " Pay as you use " because of my driving patterns and availability of free power recharge.
iirc, the oldest of the old model S's - for those folks ordering the original 60kW traction packs - it didn't include Super Charging. It was a $2,500 upgrade. There are 2 rationals for or against the upgrade; 1 - (least likely reasoning) you got lots o' $$$ & don't care about cost vs convenience .... so why'd you buy the 60kW pack.... 2 - count the cost: say you average for high power 120kW charging is - 20¢/kWh (ymmv). You ÷ your 20¢/kWh # into the $2,500 upfront cost & your breakeven buys you ~ 250 QC's presuming you recharge at or around 10kWh's remaining when you pull into the station. Say you supplement your usual home charging, with your 250 QC's just 1X a week. The upfront cost (discounting present day value of money) takes 5yrs to recoup. Use it only every OTHER week, & it'd take 10 years to recoup your upfront costs. .