I have a 2012 Gen 3 Prius. My wife got a message on the instrument panel saying her electronic key battery is low. On pg. 454 of my owners manual it shows three steps to replacing that battery. The first step is removing the mechanical key, second step is popping the electronic key case open and the third step is replacing the battery. The battery is shown in the step 3 picture as just laying in one half of the key case. When I popped my electronic key case open there is no battery apparent and it seems that it must be under the printed circuit board located in one half of the case. This circuit board seems locked in place and I'm hesitant to pry up on it to dislodge it as I think this electronic key is a fairly expensive item. I'd appreciate some advice on how to replace this battery. This is supposed to be 'Do-it-yourself maintenance'. Ron.
it is, and prying it up shouldn't be a problem. but if you feel uncomfortable, bring it to the dealer and let them do it.
don't do it if you feel uncomfortable. easy to break if you don't know what you are doing IMHO. maybe you have someone in the family who is handy?
Heads up on battery replacement. I got a battery replaced at the dealer and it lasted six months. I went to a local Batteries Plus and got the lifetime replacement option ($7.00) vs $3.00, the replacement battery and it has lasted over two years. So basically I'll never need to pay for another battery in the key fob.
I purchased these at Amazon for $10-12 and they have worked for 8 months so far. I just popped mine open and the OP is correct, I had to use a fingernail to pull up on a corner of the circuit board to get at the 1632 battery underneath. But be CAREFUL to check the Amazon reviews to get genuine name-brand batteries rather than Chinese fakes!
I decided I was more handy than my wife, so I got it done. The youtube video was helpful, thanks for the input from all.
well done! i used to think i was handier than my wife, but after 40 years, i let her do everything now.