I just went out and tried on mine. On the "Home" screen, I could only do a 2-split or 3-split. The only way I could get a full-screen navigation, was to press "Apps", and then Navigation.
One screen only has a two or three screen option. However there is a setting (I think under general) where you can uncheck the option of "auto return to home screen" then you can keep it in the full nav screen without it going back to home all the time.
Ah, the inconveniences of life! I remember the old days... when I kept a dirty wrinkled Rand McNally road map in the trunk. We will just have to press Apps and then Nav, and smile every time we pass a gas station.
While we are on the topic of the navi screen, I just noticed tonight that it doesn't have a "night" mode where the background color is black? Is that true or am I missing something? Our Lexus has a "night" mode that it switches to automatically when the headlights come on. iPhone ?
If the home screen is displayed, touching the small map makes nav full screen. No need to select "apps" then "nav". Lou
I don't think there's a way to do that. You could, instead, just press the home button, have the nav on the left of the screen towards the driver, and tap the nav half of the screen so it will display full screen. It's not that annoying.
See it stays in "day" mode... So bright and annoying I tried to go to the setting and according to the manual there is a way to change it but it's not available?! This is my option screen This is my version... Is there an update?
I think that you need to have the entune app loaded and connected for update info. My car updated within minutes of me using the app.
As a shortcut, if nav is one of your HOME screen displays, you can just touch the nav area to bring up the full size map. You don't have to press APPS then Navigation. (The same works for the other displays as a shortcut)