Hello everyone, I am looking to convert to LED lamps, and was wondering if anybody had some good advice on which ones to buy and more so which ones to stay away from. My wife's license plate lamp isout and I want to convert and I figured I would just do them all while I'm at it. Prices have come down in the last year, so I believe it will be a good time to make the change. Thanks all!!!
You pay more but I have loved these, never had one burn out. I've been moving them from vehicle to vehicle, never an issue. In case you are running an adblocker and it doesn't show up below, search Amazon for: SYLVANIA 168/194/2825 LED Premium White Miniature Bulb, (Pack of 1) Been a while but I'm pretty sure this bulb does the map lights up front, door lights and license plate lights, just not the rear dome and cargo area light. I 'think' I remember those were those festoon type bulbs. I did them when I had my Prius with Sylvania LED bulbs but which ones I honestly cannot remember. There is a company that I am sure someone will link to that has kits specifically made for the Prius with LEDs on a circuit board cut out to the map light shape and all the other bulbs needed. I've no experience with them but maybe someone who has been running it for a long time can post their impressions if they had any issues with bulbs burning out and link to it if they are pleased.
That's where I bought the 5 way firing type ones and speaking from experience buying many from them, I had problems with half of em' where one of the 5 sides would eventually burn out/begin to flicker. I personally don't recommend superbrightleds anymore and prefer a brand name like Sylvania or Phillips and will pay the extra for em'.
Mind the dimensions. I replaced the licence plate bulbs wit LEDs recently. Had to buy different pair, after the first pair was too long to fit the hole. I was irritated by the dryout spots appearing on the outer plastic above the lights on humid days. Indicating heat (and power waste) produced by licence plate light bulbs. Besides, the cool white light look suits PiP's stock LED tail lights nicer. Photorap, If you do replace the dome lights... Could you be so nice to post some photos and instructions, how to disassemble the case. Sometimes, my kids don't shut the doors well enough and the dome lights stay on all night. I know: should cure the source and teach my kids to close the door properly.
That's correct. The 168/194 wedge base bulbs work for: Maplights Door courtesy Parking lamps (both front facing and side amber) licence plate lights And I'm not sure but I also believe the vanity lights (I left mine as stock cause a yellow light is softer when you're looking at it) The rear dome and cargo lamps are festoon type bulbs. I can't remember the exact measurement. My experience with superbrightleds echo Paradox. I have had some good batches (my map lights are still going and I just replaced my licence plate lights after 4 years) but yeah they will go out one by one so eventually the light output gets dimmer. Maybe I'll try the Amazon ones next time.