Hi everyone - I pick up my new 16' Three Tour tomorrow and with a 116 round trip commute daily I'd like some front end protection. I've had expel ultimate on other cars and between the dirt that gets trapped around the edges AND the insane cost - would you help a newbie with suggestions as to what bra is the best I can get? I'm a meticulous waxer - so I'll keep it fully polished underneath. It's a classic silver - so slight scuffs from the bra shouldn't show too bad. Any suggestions are appreciated. Oh - and - here is my other new 2016 vehicle that will only be used on "perfect" weather days Best of both worlds - a Prius and a >>> It's nice to be here ! Dave
Completely off topic, but I parked next to one of those, in blue even, a week or so ago. For the first time ever I said the words...in my head anyway...something about that car having the nicest butt I've ever seen.
Why not just have it filmed? SImple no fuss solution. While you're at it you could have both cars done, maybe add some graphics?