In Germany we have a set of different bumper "treatments" - essentially to protect the surface when loading things in trunk. Either chrome, black plastic or transparent (see pic attached) - maybe it is the same in the USA?
Thanks. It lists as standard on the 3 touring and 4 touring packages here in the US. Dealer could not even tell me what it really was.
Here is what the rear bumper treatment is in the US. It has the two fang looking pieces pointing up and comes to a sharper point on the sides of the bumper. Here is a picture without it. So you can tell the difference.
Its funny that the dealer couldn't tell you what it was. I like the bumper treatment. It makes the rear look a little more aggressive, but it wasn't a deal breaker for me.
Thanks Oversplode. So more of a style gimmic vs anything functional.... I just wanted to make sure I knew what it case I was "missing" something...
There is a similar finish in Germany not quite the same but in the same position. But one thing is clear, Toyota dealers are on average pretty crappy, worldwide....
Same here, no one at the dealer knew. I figured it out after looking at the bumpers a third time. The dealers still don't have a knowledge base on these yet. All should be programmed to have the remote roll down the windows. Unless you live where it rains constantly.