I'm having trouble logging into the Toyota Owner's website. I've reset my password twice and I still keep getting "invalid password/user name combination message." I'm sure I'm using the right combination after resetting it twice. Anyone else having problems or succeeding? I'm using Chrome for my browser if that matters. Thanks!
I'm confused (nothing new there...) - you have to log on to reset the password, so you're already logged on???...
You don't have to actually log in to reset your password. Here's the process- I try to log on. It gives the error, I click the link for "I forgot my password" and it lets me change it after answering a security question (without actually logging in). It then tells me to sign in but I get the same invalid user name/password error using the new password. I just tried again but the site says they are doing maintenance right now. I submitted an online question to them yesterday but haven't heard anything back.
The online submission usually get answered in about 48 hours. I tried that once and you don't get an immediate response.
I was having a similar problem a few minutes ago, actually! I fixed it by using my username instead of my email to log in...thankfully, the username was my email without the @ bit.
OP here Well, I figured it out when I received a response from Toyota. Turns out I had misspelled the user name I use across a lot of sites. So I was using the right password but the wrong username. When I changed the password, I was getting access via my email address. I couldn't figure out how change my user id but was able to click a box in my profile that lets me log on with my email so hopefully I will remember to do that. Thanks for the help!