See, I guess here's where you and I differ. I buy used cars, and you sound like you wish to buy brand new cars? For me, I don't really care as such, because soon enough, the price will be lower However where I agree with you is when you consider the population density of the UK and the effect that has on houses - quite a sizable amount of houses here are "terraced houses" so this beings a challenge with EV vehicles any way - for people who live in terraced houses, or even as myself, a 20 something that is sharing a house with other people, in a detached house, it means you have to go some 20 miles out to charge your car - especially if you don't have permission from the landlord to have something attached to their house! So for me, that's the issue with EVs more than any thing. I like the Toyota Mirai which is hydrogen powered
well sure - that makes perfect sense because you'll CERTAINLY be able to manufacture hydrogen (coal or natural gas - you decide) way atop that terraced apartment. .
Sorry? I don't think that really mentioned any thing, aside from saying that he doesn't bash hybrids Pretty much this. I'm aware that hydrogen cars still do use fossil fuel, but in a way, unless your electricity feed is 100% renewable, so is our current electricity supply for most people. All the coal powered stations have shut down in the UK, pretty recently. We also don't have apartments here. Well we do, perhaps in flats in the city centre, but thankfully we're not at that level yet!
I put a deposit on one but the more I think about it the more I think the volt or the prime is a better buy and better value and in most case better for environment. With volt or prime 95% of time I will run on full electric, for the 5% left when I travel will not have to worry about charging station.......maybe Toyota and GM have the best option.....just need better marketing. when tesla batterie will degrade in performance your are screw for a lot of $$$$ where with a prime or volt just make little difference.
You're doing good, my bad. In the USA we have some anti-H2 politics (Fuel cell FCEV) as some prefer EV and would prefer to see government to focus on that.
See I've got nothing totally against either tbh, and hopefully one day, we in the UK can get a car that will give you something silly like 2000 miles range, so that you're not so fussed about having to pay to to park it or 8 hours, somewhere near your house once every so often, then maybe Hydrogen ones wouldn't be needed as such. Or maybe battery technology could get better, and cars could be charged a lot quicker, to the point that it's no real different to how you fill up today! If I had a "proper house" ie: one with a driveway, then it would be easier for me to have an EV tbh Certainly, there is the argument that H2 does use fossil fuels, but at a reduced rate, however personally I think that surely you can only really argue that point till the cows come home, if the electricity supply for EV's is totally green?
I loved my 2011 Prius III, but as soon as I went for a test drive in a Model S, I was SOLD and never looked back. Yes, I have no ICE vehicle anymore and I do take long road trips. 99% of the time my car charges in my garage and I wake up to a full "tank of gas" everyday. If I want to drive 1000 miles straight without using the restroom, I guess I could rent an ICE vehicle--that hasn't happened yet. All jokes aside, I just wanted to encourage everyone to keep an open mind. The Prius is a great car, but the Tesla is just life changing in so many ways. Now that the base Model ≡ is approaching a fully loaded Prius price range (mine was about 33K), I really think it deserves consideration. Teslas change the way you think about transportation in general. Because of AutoPilot, when I take road trips, I actually get to enjoy the trip itself and I arrive at my destination very well rested. In my Prius, yes I could travel 500 miles without using the restroom, but I was always very tired and worn out afterwards. You don't realize the cognitive load that's actually required to even cruise on the highway in an ICE vehicle. Yes, I do stop at Superchargers to charge while I use the restroom and get a snack. One drive in a Tesla and you won't care about these small nitpicks, I promise you! One other awesome feature is that my car gets better with time via over the air updates--it feels like Christmas morning with all of the new features, performance enhancements and UI updates that get added. Once again, the Prius is a great car, just wanted to give a perspective form someone who owned (and loved) a Prius.
The degradation is pretty minimal in real-world terms: Tesla Model S battery degradation data | Steinbuch In summary, there's a ~6% range loss after 50k miles followed by a further 1% loss in mileage every 30k miles thereafter. Should this trend continue, you still have 90% battery range at 170k miles at which point you'll be shopping for a new car or looking to get a modular battery upgrade with even more range. What actually makes the Volt or Prius Prime better for the environment? That's a specious claim at best. Sigh, maybe those who are anti-H2 would prefer a little less H2 fanaticism from those who get to plunder public monies, as in a little more equitable distribution (for starters) to the development of both (since it's very lopsided in favor of H2 right now).
Yup. Cow poop is used to produce electricity in many parts of South Asia, where they can't quite afford cleaner fuels.
Having already taken two 1,500 mile trips this year and planning another (visiting my sister-in-law about to have twins), I can tell you that type of claim isn't helping anyone. I'm very much in favor of Tesla, but am not going to just allow such misrepresentation to take place. No one would ever drive 500 miles without using the restroom. Period. Roughly, every 2 hours you take some type of break. Someone always needs to use the restroom, food, beverage, or to just stretch. Other technology is what you'll find beneficial with respect to cognitive load. In my case, I find the adaptive-cruise absolutely wonderful. Why so many drivers cut you off when they pass is beyond me. Ugh. The fact that the Prius will automatically slow down to provide room for safety is great. That goes a long way toward relieving cognitive load.
see - this is the very spin that tech promotors like myself find so aversive . . . saying anti-H2 politics. Really? Toyota claims how successful Mirai production is humming along, continually claims how huge their sales will be, ignore how the infrastructure will cost a trilliin to taxpayers, lobbies hard core to put 10X as much carb cridits towards H2, seeks to reduce plugin credit, & runs anti-plugin ads ... then with a straight face, want to claim those mean-ol' plugin creeps are persecuting them. Really ? or maybe you were just kidding .... .
great write up, thanks! can you give us more details of your longest trip? where you went, where you stopped and how long to charge, how many miles of charge you added, what you did while waiting, how many chargers were available and etc.? the more details, the better for those of us with concerns. thank you!
For my daylife and normal use I will run 100% electric wit either a Prius prime or a Volt......or a 3 so they will basically all do the same for travel or longer run prius or volt will be hassle free.....for the 3 I live in quebec need heat or air conditioning and it kill mileage some say I need to go restroom yea but restroom I dont have to plan them they are everywere on the side of the road and it take 5 minute Supercharge take at least 30 minute every couple hour drive plus most of them are far from highway and not exactly were I need to go eat or pea...... Quebec we have 2 supercharge for a province bigger than California, 2 in Ontario also when I look at supercharge map they are downtown Wth I dont stop pee downtown. As for the environment maybe I should tell about the same as it probably need scientific calculation to verify model 3 have slight advantage because no oil change every couple years but no need for new charging infrastructure bigger batterie lithium mining......I also see cost of the tesla roadster now need new batterie tesla offer at 26000$.......resale value will be hit so who knows...... For me 100% electric have some drawback but could be perfect for some, plug in I think are the best for the mass and emission reduction in short term.....Fuel cell from my understanding on what I read so far are a big waste of money, ressource and not green at all.....ridiculous to spend billion for so little gain......same money invest to help remove regular car from the road will have so much more impact.......