Is the Optima D51 battery the best buy for my 2010 Prius and do I need the installation kit too? Is that kit only available from Eleanaid?
A definitive compilation of all direct fit 12v batteries, including AH rating for each, should soon appear from one of our very knowledgeable members.
The Optima is not the cheapest. It IS available with SAE posts and JS posts. You want the JS posts (the small ones). You can also get the one from the dealer and Exide makes one as well. Whatever you get needs the vent port as well as the JS posts, negative on the right when the posts are closest to you. Phone around and check on the internet to see who has the best price for whichever one you think is best for you. The Exide comes with two vent ports and a plug for the one you won't use. Do be sure to pull out the vent right angle adapter before you return the old battery. You will need it for the new battery. Elearnaid do all that work for you with the Optima, including the vent kit adapters. Shipping to Canada was prohibitive so I just got the terminal adapter kit from them back when the Optima needed it (5 years ago).
I went with the Optima yellow top, no problems so far. However, next time I might give Canadian Tire's Motomaster a try, believe it's a rebadged Exide, exact fit and higher CCA (than OEM). We put a MM in our son's Civic recently, perfect fit, doing champion. I checked it lately with a Solar BA5: well above rated CCA. BTW, where in the world are you?
Up here in Canada, I phoned two dealerships about 6 months back (before going to Optima) and they both wanted $273 (Can). Actually, with a 75 cent Can dollar that's about the same as your $206 US. I read somewhere there's a shortage of lead, pushing prices up. I was pleasantly surprised by the automotive retailer (Canadian Tire in my case). Their battery offering was physically identical to a Honda OEM, and higher CCA, and significantly lower price. CCA tested in-store, and again just last weekend with my Solar tester, were and have stayed high, above spec.
If you are determined to go with the Optima: Which Battery For A Toyota Prius? | OPTIMABATTERIES Note the 38AH rating. Also note, in the monograph, Optima's own take on this: "While the specifications may vary from the OE battery, concerns about the battery's reserve capacity should be minimal. " and "Even though the Prius doesn't use a traditional alternator to maintain voltage in the 12-volt auxiliary battery, it does have a charging system that keeps the battery near or at a full state of charge whenever possible. " Perhaps the author of the Optima article could comment here, w/attention to the robust Prius charging system. He is a PC member - hopefully still active.
Yes, do remember that the Prius 12V battery does not crank the engine. CCA has no meaning. Even the A-Hr rating is not all that important. All it does is change the length of time you can leave the car unused. I got the Canadian Tire battery (AGM, probably Exide). I got it for $40 less than the lowest "other choice" and got a $20 gift certificate. Which I then used to buy a "Genius Charger", which was also on sale. The Canadian Tire battery has a 5 year (pro-rated) warranty, vs the 1 year from the next best retailer. Sorry, Americans can't take advantage of these "perks". For a change we get a break over them. The Optima was $240 delivered, the dealer one was $210 (not retail), and Canadian Tire one was $170. All in 70% value Canadian dollars.
Right. The amp-hour rating also is proportional to how long you can get by with inadvertently leaving a door half-latched, or with the leaving the POWER switch in "ACC" or "ON" mode.
I installed mine and it was not that hard. Got a 10% discount on parts at the dealer and it was the same price as AutoZone for a similar battery. Think mine is 3 year free replace.
I need some help. I Have Prius 2010. When I removed its 12V battery plugs and re-install it, it's Navigation/Car Tape stopped working. IT showed a description " Please insert SD memory card". Please guide me what to do. The code appeared there is :604551.