I have read on Toyota documentation that the red color has an extra aluminum particle layer that shines back light from behind the red color layer. This is why it is more expensive.
Just found out the website of JADA, that shows the deliveries of the Prius in Japan per year/month. (use Chrome to Translate the table) 自販連のホームページ The Prius Gen3 last year was selling around 10k units per month. The Gen4 in the past 3 months has sold 2-3x more... It has been the most sold car in Japan for the last 3 months!....no wonder we have delivery times of months....
I don't doubt that technically the hypersonic red colour is fractionally more expensive to apply, but the premium you pay is much more about price targeting than it is about the actual cost. It is a classic case of 'menu pricing' or as my economics teacher would have made me call it 'product versioning.' This is where you sell slightly different versions of the same product to allow consumers to reveal their willingness to pay a bit more without losing a sale from someone who is at their price threshold already. It has now become standard for pretty much all car companies (in the UK at least, perhaps different elsewhere?) for one solid colour to be available for the base price, but for there to be a premium for all other colours. In the UK only 6 colours are available and they are the same 6 across the 4 trim levels. The solid 'free' colour is called 'pure white'. All of the other 5 have a price premium, with the black, grey and blue costing £495 and the red and pearl white costing £650. I've been in contact with my dealership today because my current car is due for a service. They were still unable to give me a delivery date. I think we're going to be waiting a while! UK buyers - did you go with any of the extras, GAP insurance, the paint/interior protection and so on?
Australia we have "Glacier White" at base price - I guess it's the same colour as your "Pure White". There are 6 other colours (if you call black a colour). Crystal Pearl, Silver Pearl, Graphite, Lunar Blue, Eclipse Black and Emotional Red. These other 6 colours are all the same AU$459 surcharge.
Seems like we're being ripped off for the paint in the UK then! AU$459 is approximately £246. We're paying £495 ($697, AU$920, €611) for the cheaper colours and £650 ($915, AU$1208, €803) for the 2 'premium' colours.
Same pricing models for colors here in Germany. Plain white is standard, any other "color" (essentially several tones of grey and 2 real colors) are offered at about 500€, and of those, red is at 750€.
What? they give you a full tank of gas for free at delivery? I have never had that or seen it from anybody. They give you hardly the fuel to reach a gas station. And in EU we get 3 years / 100.000km warranty on everything, 5 years / 100.000km on hybrid components. 520€ vs 255$CAD...wt....!
Ok, so we in Europe are being fleeced on the paint. In the UK the standard warranty is 5 years/100,000 miles. Obviously these can be extended, and extending the hybrid warranty is cheap enough that you'd be mad not to do it. I'd never buy a new car that they didn't at least fill with a tank of fuel. If I'm paying best part of £30,000 for a car, they can fill the damn thing up with some petrol! I hope they don't charge your for oil, coolant and washer fluid too! edit: just realised that the UK warranty is better compared to the rest of the EU than I first realised, as it is isn't just 5 years versus 3, but of course also; 1 mile = 1.6km
Australia, Toyota is a rip-off with Warranty - only 3 yrs, 100,000km, (battery is 8yrs/160,000) - which is shorter than most of its competitors (5yr is becoming the norm). And with my last 3 cars (new), there has been enough fuel to move the gauge needle off empty - just.
If the extension to 5 years is so cheap (and in fact it is, about 250€ for years 4 and 5), why not give it by default???! And yes, you get 60% more coverage - assuming you can travel 60.000km more in 3 years - I doubt that any regular driver manages that. And if you travel that much, possibly a diesel is better, assuming most of your trips are on highways, at constant speed.... As for fuel, they sell you the contents of the car, oil, coolant, washer fluid, but fuel, no way - it is your task to fill it. It is your cost. If a dealer gives that as a gift, it is a huge exception...! My last 2 cars and my parents', never got a drop of fuel more to reach the closest gas station (that probably is friends with the dealer to have all customers exiting the dealer round the corner...). 5 years standard on everything would be nice. But 3 on all and 5 on hybrid, is still better than VW/BMW/Audi/Mercedes, that give you the 2 EU mandated years of warranty - thank you very much. Kia & Co, as well as some others, offer 3 to 7 years warranty depending on special offer, free packages, etc...
1CAD = 0,66€ = 0.76148USD = 0.76148Yen (as of 06.04.2016) So "special" paint in Canada is almost for free at 170€, versus 570€ we pay.... they must rip you off somewhere else... Granted, the German price has 19% VAT included, so the net price would be ~470€...
$1690 Freight and PDI's a kick in the gut. The dealership on the letterhead, when we bought our 2010: We discussed all the numbers with salesman "A", printed out an agreement to purchase, containing the statement "Documentation Fee Included". Then we were handed over to salesman "B", who reprinted the agreement to purchase on a dealership specific form, told us it was some sort of "formality". Surprise surprise: Documentation Fee had become $295. They actually tried to tell me it was technically impossible to alter. When that fell through they treated us like troublemaking pariahs. They finally removed the charge. Just a word to the wise for anyone local dealing with them. Well I guess that's the norm though.
Sorry, that was my fault for not being clear. The 5 year/100,000 miles is default even for the hybrid components. But you can extend the hybrid part of the warranty up to 11 years (unlimited miles, I believe) for a relatively small cost per year. You can also extend the standard warranty, but I believe that is more expensive.
In Germany you can extend the warranty also for about 250€ for the first 2 years, and about the same amount for each additional year (the warranty is provided by the Car Garantie company, not directly by Toyota EU/Japan - it seems CG is a company of Toyota Europe - who understands this and can explain, please). Each additional year after year 5, if I remember correctly, starts splitting the costs of the labor between you and the dealer, depending on how many km you have driven thus far. There is also a limit to how many years and how many km you can extend it. Honestly, with Toyota quality, if it didn't break during the first 5 years, it will not break (especially electronics). Same for the battery (as taxis worldwide have shown). So I'd say, either consider getting a new Prius at year 5/6 (whatever version will be available then), or simply go on ad libitum and even if you have to change the battery for 2-3k€, it is still about the same price of changing the clutch in a regular car... (not much for the part costs, but for labor costs...).
I must be one of the quickest to get mine, I ordered it 18th March and got it on the 25th March, 1 week. Silver Excel, black leather. Dealer had some stock, which I suspect has all gone now though, he was selling them like hot cakes.
I called the dealer today - she said the car is being built and ETA has shifted forward to end of May
Yeah got a phone call from my dealer yesterday also to say they're now expecting delivery in May instead of July, and will probably call in a couple of weeks to confirm date. Now excited!